Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Professional Philosophy For Teaching Family And Consumer...

Courtney Wood April 5, 2015 A Professional Philosophy for Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences Teaching is not merely about methods used and material presented in the classroom, but about shaping students’ lives to help them construct a firm foundation for a successful future. I desire to teach my students basic life skills as well as challenge them to set and reach their highest goals. Thinking about teaching and learning The purpose of education is to prepare students for their futures with both knowledge as well as fundamental life skills. I believe students are highly capable beings who have a desire to be productively challenged. To empower students to meet and exceed high expectations set forth by the state, school, or teacher, it is imperative that educators â€Å"teach for enduring understanding through partnerships and by drawing on brain-based education, students multiple intelligences, and culturally appropriate curriculum innovations† (Laster and Johnson). Beyond guaranteeing students can read, write, and perform basic math functions, we should be producing graduates who are responsible individuals positively contributing to society, reliable workers, and devoted family members. Whether students receive a scholarship to attend college or go to work immediately following graduation, we must train them to conduct themselves with integrity, have an admirable work ethic, and solve c hallenging problems they may face throughout their lives. In order to enableShow MoreRelatedAdvancing Rural Healthcare: The APN Educator’s Ways and Means1892 Words   |  8 Pageshealthcare in the United States, properly forming an answer requires the separation of healthcare by geography, demographics, and economics. These factors influence the quality and availability of services and resources available to clients and professionals. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Sleeping Beauty vs. Snow White Essay Free Essays

Every small girl make-believes to be a princess and struts around conceive ofing a prince charming. Even when they grow up and go a adult female. they’re still waiting for that prince to come brush them off their pess. We will write a custom essay sample on Sleeping Beauty vs. Snow White Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now so they can fall loony in love and unrecorded merrily of all time after. This phantasy is much because of Walt Disney films such as â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† . â€Å"Snow White† . â€Å"Cinderella† . â€Å"Little Mermaid† . and many others. These narratives have been passed down for centuries and legion versions exist today. There are many readings of the narratives and their significances that most people don’t even acknowledge. Though the narratives all seem different. some of them still have similar significances. â€Å"Snow White† and â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† are two narratives that have a common significance. Sleeping Beauty and Snow White are both characters that are unrealistically beautiful. Sleeping Beauty for case. had just tegument. bluish eyes. long light-haired hair. and an impossibly thin figure. This sets unrealistic criterions for female beauty. Besides the narratives show a dependance on males for the female individuality. The princess is kiping. merely waiting for her prince to come salvage her so she can restart her topographic point as princess and â€Å"live merrily of all time after† . Snow White was besides poisoned and laid sleeping until her prince came to salvage her. In a manner. this is stating that adult females are merely waiting about for a adult male to come salvage them from ordinary life. so that they can hold their ‘happily of all time after’ stoping. Another point that shows up in â€Å"Cinderella† is that the stepmother who raised three kids on her ain. which shows independency. is made the scoundrel of the narrative. while inacti ve Cinderella is the loveable victim. In these fairy narratives. they show intertwine a adult female is nil without a adult male. They give the image that a adult female has nil to make but wait for her prince. and so one time he comes her life will be fulfilled. In today’s universe it’s rather obvious that these things could non be more false. Harmonizing to Bruno Bettelheim. the legion versions of â€Å"Snow White† and â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† represent a immature miss turning up and going a adult female. though it is showed in different ways. In â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† . or in Grimm’s version â€Å"Brier Rose† . the expletive put on the miss by the evil faery represent new limitations imposed on a female. It can be interpreted as the beginning of menses. The 13 faeries represent the months of the calendar. The 12 good faeries represent the 12 traditional months of the twelvemonth. and since there is no 13th month. the 13th faery represents menses. Besides the evil faery realizes the girl’s potency for going the object of desire and out of jealousy attempts to forestall the miss from of all time going a adult female. Further on the representation of the expletive as menses. there is the King seeking to forestall it from go oning. because he does non understand it. However. the Queen understands the expletive and its importance. being a adult female herself. and does nil to halt it. So of course when the miss sees a spindle for the first clip. full of wonder. Se pricks her finger and falls asleep. The absence of the girl’s parents when she pricks her finger represents the parents’ inability to assist kids through the assorted tests of turning up. The King and Queen’s waiting symbolizes the delay for sexual fulfilment. It shows the terminal of childhood and a clip of quiet growing. from which she will rouse mature and ready for sexual brotherhood ( Bettelheim. 232 ) . In the narrative of â€Å"Snow White† . Bettelheim explains how it tells of how a parent ( the Queen ) gets destroyed by green-eyed monster of her kid. who in turning up surpasses her ( 195 ) . The Queen is non merely covetous of Snow White’s beauty in some versions. but besides covetous of the love of the male parent for the miss. They are jealously combating to be the King’s favourite. Since Snow White is more beautiful. she has more power and able to win over her male parent. Bettelheim uses Freud’s Oedipus composite for understanding the struggles between Snow White and her stepmother. The King and Queen in narratives represent absolute power. such as a parent holds over the kid. When the child’s place in the household becomes a job. they try to get away to get down the route to happening themselves. Snow White’s clip with the midget represents her period of growing ( 201 ) . When Snow White eats the apple. the kid in her dies. and is lef t to rest in a glass casket. which represents waiting for adulthood. until her prince comes ( 213 ) . Both these narratives represent a miss maturating into a adult female. and holding an older adult female jealous of their beauty. seeking to forestall them from turning up. These characters have to travel through a hibernating period of resting. so they can make sexual fulfilment and awake matured. ready to get down a life with their prince. There is besides person in both narratives. a male. who does non understand the maturing period. and attempts to forestall it. In â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† it was the King and in â€Å"Snow White† it was the seven midgets who tried to assist her. This shows that despite a parents efforts to prorogue being able to make adulthood at the proper clip. it happens however. How to cite Sleeping Beauty vs. Snow White Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Minds Are Opened When Our Hearts Opened Essay Example For Students

Minds Are Opened When Our Hearts Opened Essay Karate Satiety Academy was conferred on him for his total contribution to Kananga literature. It is highly creditable in spite of all these credentials, Dry. Amalgamate maintains simple city. The social aspects of Dalais are his area of concern. In profounder of Kananga Dalai literature. Dry. Amalgamate catches the attention Of people as an orator and makes them think over issues. His writing are equally sharp. He has founded a number of Dalai organizations and has taken active role in Dalai movement. At present Dry. Amalgamate is serving as professor Of Kananga in the Spume Institute of Kananga Studies, Moser University. He has also served as the Director Of the Institute and as the Director Of Prearrange, the publication wing of Moser university, prior to this. He is also serving as the Hon.. Director of Jaywalks Villas Palace Museum, Moser university. I CURRICULUM Vietnam Ravine Meliorations Name: Bushmasters Name: Hilariousnesss : Professor, Spume Institute of Kananga Studies Moser University, Misreported tot Birth 01. 05. Placemat of Birth : Muddleheaded, Abjure District, Geriatricians : With Drain Devil. Deputy Superintendent tot Police Karate State Police Service-in childrens Two sons -l. Dash Histrionically Pre University and Graduation-From 1973 to 1978 M G V C Collage, Methodologists Graduation-M. A. Form Karate University Dharma From 1978 to 1980 with a first class. PhD in 1985-gold medal for the Thesis from Karate University Dharma. Experience: Editorial Committee member of Vitality Gratuitousnesss Dharma. Magazine from 1988- 1935. Committee Of Folklore News letter Campus. Teaching Experience Breath-Joanna 1981- Editor offshoots Straight-a literary Member of the Editorial foraminifera University Research Experience from 30. 09. 1980 to 30. 10_1983, Legend Al G C Fellowship As a lecture-prom 30. 10. 1383 to 31. 081987, Government College, Mangrove. Experience as a Reader-groom 07. 07. 1987 to 03. 04. 1994 Mangrove University. Professor-from 04. 04. 1994, Spume Institute of Kananga studies, Moser University, Migrations, Moser. Administration / Membership of Academic Batteries Faculty Dean 2001 2004 to 2006 University of Nonacademic council Member Sensitive of Moser ASS, OBOE, BOA Member 2000 to for various enfranchisement Of Kananga Department Mangrove university Form 02. 11. 1992 to 03. 04. 1994. Director, Spume Institute of Kananga Studies, from- 03. . 2000 to 01. 01. 2001 and from 1504. 2004 to 01. 06. 2006. Hon.. Director Moser university, Jaywalks Villas palace Museum from 27. 10. Coeditor, Prearrange, Mistranslating, Moser 1995 to 2000 university of Misremembering of Government Committee s and Institutionalizes of Wholesales Book Purchase Committee, Government of Karate, Kananga and Culture Department 1991 to members of the Publication Committee of Popular Book Series of the Government of Karate, Kananga Culture Department 1991 to 1993,Member of Kananga Pussycat Paprika of the Government of Karate-from 1991 to 1995. Text book Committee member for the Pre university Board, Bangor, 1995-1996,Film Pre-Review and Selection Committee member tort Bangor Doormans Kenned trot 1997 to 2000. Member of Karate Satiety Academy, of the Government of Karate trot 1938 to 2000. Member of Executive committee Kananga Satiety Parish Bangor From 1998 to 2000 and from 2000 to 2003. Member of Chancy Parish, Shirtwaist Ashman, Barilla foundation-Delhi from 2003 to 2006. Published Works of Dry. Arriving Amalgamate. Poetry I. When the dumb opens his mouth (Moaning Bay Bandanna. 198212. Black Poetry (Kappa Kava_ 1985)3. The Third Eye Memoranda Kane, 1996) 4. Rhythm Re-Rhythm Radians the Cuckoo Ascends to Heaven (Nadia Indiana, Anneal (Composite Poetry-2002)6. Silicon City and (Silicon City Matte Goggle, 2003)7. The Untouchable (Channel Gramophones, 2003)8. Selected Poems Of Ravine Amalgamate (Arriving Multivariate Day Subinterval, 200419. Kafkaesque (Selected Poems of Arriving Amalgamate 2009)10. The Dark cosmos (Selected Poems of Arriving Amalgamate 2009 universe h eave Stories Translated in English by Dry. C. Ungallant. Towards the (Visualization, 2010)12. Flower is too (Hub Bulbar 2010)11. Short Stories 1. Unending Mudguard Gateau, 2000111. .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .postImageUrl , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:hover , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:visited , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:active { border:0!important; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:active , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Security 2 EssayNovel 1. The Death (Karma 1988)IV, Drama Ceremony 1. The Ablution Salt of the Ocean and Social Thought (Mechanistically, 198312. The Inner (Scandalmonger pup, 1999)V, Criticism, Literary 1. Dalai Millennium and Kananga Literature (Duality Yoga Matte Kananga Scythia, 1 999) 2. Dalai Consciousness: Literature, sociable and Culture (Dahlia Prangs: Scythia, Samara Matte Azimuths, 2003) 3. Cultural mutiny (Simulation Danged, 2004) 4. Pier and Moonlight 5. Satiety Khakis 2006) (Bennie Bilingual (A Collection of Critical Essays 2009) Selected writing s of Ravine Amalgamate Translated works 201 1) Deed. Proof: D. A. Shanghais. Autobiography Government Brahmas. 1994 (Translated to English-Puff Oriental Longing)VII_ Research in Folklore and other works 1. Nippier (Nippier-Canada Casehardens, 1983)2. Study Of Galore Unpadded Passing, 1985)3. Search for Folklore Unpadded Shop, 1990)4. Titular Data Galena (Titular Data Galena-Canada Seasoned, 1993)5. Folk Games Dammar (Canada Tactual, 1993)6. Deathlike (Deathlike Dammar-Vassar Skinhead Crutch 1995)Evil. Research 1. Devil Worship Study of Dalai Literary Movement Chanting, 1991) 3. Myth, Folklore and Natives Disheveled, BIBB) 4. Folk Games (Botheration, 1991)2. Theoretical (Dahlia Scythia Cyclically atavism (Purina Canada matte Unpaid Tactual, Ph. D. Thesis-1985)5. Floundered (Canada Banyans-SASS)lax, Studies and Reflections l. An Introduction to Dalai Literature (Duality Scythia Oppressive, 1996)2. How progressive is Interstate-Marriage ? (Antipathys Viva yeasts parathion ? 1996)3. Pun Pact and whither Should Dalais go (Ponytail Matte Deliberately Shagbark ? 1998)X_ Editing l. Conference (CO-Editor) Pour Idealist Novels Deed. 1990)3. Ideology of Embarked (Smashes-Shah Sampled, 1983)2. Annual Delicately Gadolinium- (Embarked Vicar Dare-Deed_ 1991)4_ Koran Community: A Study (CO-Author) (Koran Kananga Undo Daytona, 1 931) 5. Embarked-LSI and Counter- (Embarked Veda Samovars-Deed. 1992)6_ prom Grazing Ground to Gangster (Commandingly Generating, 1993)7. Foundation and background Of Dalai Literature Hinkle-Deed. 1997)8. Book industry in Kananga (Duality Shaggy Nell- (Kananga Grandmother, 1997)9. Folk Theoretical Consciousness and natives (Canada assistantship Prearrange Matte Deadheads, 1998)10. Principles of Folklore on Dalai Novels Maidenhair (Canada Advantages, 1999)11. Criticism (Quadrilateral Vinegars-Deed. 2000)12. Male Sweetness and Bitterness (Co-editing) (Male Maidenhair, 2001)13. (Bevy Bella, 2001)14. Dalai (Duality Marge, 2002115. Anneal Approach (Criticism) says about Embarked (Composite poetry, 2002)16. What Gandhi (Pub. Prangs Moore University 2000)XSL. Editor of Encyclopedias and Works of Similar nature I. Kananga Encyclopedia Volume 14. Chief Editor, Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser University-year 2005 1, C. D. S of Kananga Encyclopedia-14 volumes, Chief Editor Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser University-year 2006 1. Kananga Visalia Vishnu Gosh Karate -(Revised)-Chief Editor- Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser university-year 2005 1. Kananga Visalia Vishnu Gosh FolkloreChief Editor- Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser University-year 2006 1. Kananga Visalia Vishnu OSHA-zoology. Chief Editor, Institute of Kananga Studies-Moser University -year 2006 1. Epigraph Carnation-(Volume 12) Chief Editor, Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser University-year 2006 1 Jump Skirt Varnish, Chief Editor, Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser University-year exile. Journalistic Work Isaiah Santiago, (Periodical) 1988-1995: (Editor) Vitality Bahrain- Quarterly, Karate university Journal, member of the Editorial Board -1981-1983. Karate Folklore News letter member Of the Editorial Board, Mangrove- 1988-1991 . Vishnu Sampans-Monthly, Moser university Journal, member of the Editorial Board. Gag. Paraphrased Karate, Quarterly Moser University Journal -Chairman of the Editorial Board 1995, 2000. Knavish Karate, Quarterly Moser university Journal Chairman of the Editorial Board 2008 Inwardly. Awards ; Prizes Gold medal for the Ph. D thesis 1985 Karate University Tenderhearted Buddha Award 1982 Recipient : Karate Government BangaloreNarashimhaia Award 1996 Kananga Scythia parish- Dry. Embarked Fellowship Award 1996 Barbarity Dalai Scythia Academy -Delhi Karate Satiety Academy Award 1996 for the Autobiography titled Government Brahmas Bangor Karate Satiety Academy Fellowship Award 2002 (for Total Contribution to Kananga Literature) Bangor Embarked Award 2005 Gout. Karate, Bangor XIV_ Awarded s Conferred but not Accepted: Sheikhs Rattan Parks-2007 India International Friendship Society. New Delhi-110001 .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .postImageUrl , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:hover , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:visited , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:active { border:0!important; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:active , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Background of the Atomic Bomb EssayRestrain Gaur Award 2009 Best Citizens of India 2009 International publishing House New Delhi-110001 Twenty Ten National Academy Award for Literature Academy of Bengali Poetry Kola . 700054XV. Works on Ravine Amalgamates Wittings. Critical Responses to Karma (Deed. ) Sabina Fumigated. 1989 2. Dalmatian (Dalai Scholar Par Excellence) A seminar was conducted on the literature of Dry,Arriving Amalgamate in 1998 (Deed) Dry. Aragua Glassing 20003. Ravine Amalgamate Vary Shakespearean (Critical Essay on Arriving Amalgamate poetry ) 2005 4. Proof. Ravine Multivariate Marge-Satiety Sahara 2006 Dry.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Cloning Banning Essays - Biology, Cloning, Molecular Biology

Cloning Banning Banning on human and organ cloning is posing a problem on those educated ones in academia. Researcher and scientist Dr. Ian Wilmut has successfully cloned a sheep, and has gathered from this experiment evidence that strongly proves that human and organ cloning could be performed ? safely and effectively. Unfortunately, our government has almost immediately banned such cloning in this country. Did they realize the benefits of such a discovery? Perhaps they simply believe that it is some sort of unethical, immoral experiment that is not beneficial to our society. Perhaps they should take a closer look at exactly what these researchers have derived from years of experimenting. In this paper, I will propose a possible plan to persuade our government to take another look at human and organ cloning. Many positive benefits could come out of this, and it is our responsibility, for the sake of a healthier future, to push policy makers to change their minds and loosen their grips on such a banning. Cloning of various organisms has been going on for years. This concept of cloning was conceived in 1938, but it was not until 1994 that a method using an embryo was used to clone a cow (Business Week). Much to many people's surprise, the idea of cloning humans is not an aged concept. It is fairly new, but that hardly means that the amount, or rather quality, of research to support safe human and/or organ cloning, is poor. This bioethical issue is quite debatable, and it has caused further debate, especially after the March 4, 1997 banning of the use of federal funds for research leading to human cloning (Time). The government was pressured. Due to time restrictions, they had to make a challenging decision on whether or not to ban human cloning in the United States. Their ruling has left a large number of researchers and curious citizens alike in a cloud of confusion. My solution to the problem is this: an elaboration on the history, technique, ethics, and reasons for researching the technology of cloning is necessary. Our government must be further educated on this issue. Let's take a look at how to go about proving this solution. The first thing that must be cleared up for the government and for all those who believe otherwise, is what is cloning, and what is a clone. A clone is an organism derived asexually from a single individual by cutting, bulbs, tubers, fission, or parthenogenesis reproduction (Cloning, 11). The biological term "cloning" is the production of a genetically identical duplicate of an organism. In the world of scientific technology, these exact definitions mean the difference between false premonitions of cloning, and the real-life phenomenon of good, ethical cloning. Let me pose an interesting idea for you. Human cloning already happens by accident. Monozygotic twins, or identical twins, are clones of each other ? they have the same exact genetic information due to the division of an embryo in development, which produces two identical embryos. A human clone is really just a time-delayed identical twin of another person. The government doesn't ban the birth of identical twins, does it? It is unheard of to think that identical twins are zombies without souls or personalities. So how can the advances in science having to do with cloning organisms be so rash in their moral and ethical implications? The government should take a closer look at this marvel. Is this hypocrisy? You decide. An important issue that could be resolved is infertility. Infertile couples could have children with human cloning. On Saturday, October 17, 1996, the Board of Directors of RESOLVE of Northern California adopted a resolution and policy statement saying that cloning may offer infertile individuals a legitimate way of forming families, that they support research to make human cloning safe and effective, and that they oppose governmental efforts to deny infertility patients the option to use cloning technology to have children (HCF). Many infertility patients have tested with various forms of treatment, some which are not exactly the safest, and many have proved unsuccessful. This cloning method is safe and with more research, has the potential of high success rates. This is factual information based on research. With so much support for human cloning, how did the policy makers decide against it? Step by step the technology to clone people is advancing. Of course, the procedures and applications have not been perfected, but many clinics in the U.S. already have the equipment to start cloning. Many fear that these institutions may try to do

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Voss Essays

Voss Essays Voss Essay Voss Essay VOSS Bottled Water Voss Inc. is a company established in 1999 which bottles and distributes Artesan water. The source of this water is a pristine aquifer in South Norway. It is packaged in a uniquely designed and patented cylindrical shaped glass bottle and sold at a premium price. Some of the Hollywood actors and celebrities have been spotted using this premium bottled water. Its close competitors are Fiji and Perrier who offer pure water at a premium price. Differentiation Based Strategy The founders of Voss, Christian Sandberg and Chris Harlem, recognized enormous potential for ultra premium bottled water from Norway after doing an extensive around the world research. Artesan water is the most purest form of water available and thus used as a unique value proposition to target the ultra premium segment. Differentiation point 1 : Purest Water It is recognised as the purest form of water by FDA and has recorded the lowest TDS of any bottled water ever tested by FDA. So, in a way it is a unctional product that is uniquely different from any other product in the market. Differentiation point 2 : Unique and patented packaging – Luxury Image According to a study, in the ultra premium bottled water segment, when people buy water it is for image and not just water. Voss roped in Calvin Klein’s former creative director Neil Kraft to design the packaging. He came out with a sleek cylindrically designed glass bottle when everybody else was offering plastic bottle s in traditional bottle shapes. The design was later patented by Voss. Voss, through its product offering, provides a unique value (purest water and image of Luxury /Exclusivity) which other competitors were not able to offer in the ultra premium segment. Value Creation and Delivery (Mechanisms) Value 1 Product offering : Purest water drawn from Artesan well in pristine South Norway. No human intervention. The water is drawn from an aquifer by pressurizing the impermeable layer of rock and ice without the use of mechanical pumps. Product Quality and consistency is unquestionable since no mechanical/manual process is required to purify water. Customer is always certain to get purest water when they buy VOSS. Value 2 – Luxury Image/Exclusivity : It is a market driving product. The strategy is to create exclusivity and associate luxury with the product. This is achieved by aligning all the marketing processes in a way that this value of luxury and exclusivity is delivered effectively. Price – Ultra premium pricing helps in targeting the right segment i. e. rich and affluent (exclusivity). Patented Designer Glass bottle – Unique packaging gives it an edge over others and helps in positioning and targeting the ultra premium segment Controlled Supply Sold almost exclusively through high-end hotels, restaurants, clubs and speciality stores (VOSS Red PET bottle). Voss‘s exclusivity is derived from the fact that Voss is served on the tables of the finest restaurant and lounges in the rooms of the most luxurious hotels and beachside at the trendiest resorts around the world. Voss is not available at retail outlets like 7-11 or corner convenience stores. Promotions – No discounts or giveaways to maintain its brand image of luxury. Advertisements Heavily relies on PR activities and viral promotion which further reinforces its positioning of unique brand. It does not engage in run of the mill advertising like other water companies and stays away from the crowd. Associations with Ultra premium brand ambassadors like Madonna, George Clooney, Lindsay Lohan are used as promotional activities. The product offering as well as the aura of exclusivity/luxury gives customer a feeling of pride to consume Voss water and pay a premium price for the same. Key Resources that create value Source of Water : The source of water in Norway is a unique and sustainable resource in itself. Target Segment : Targeting the ultra premium segment is a key to the strategy as the product has most value to this segment. The competition in this segment is not as intense as it is in the bigger mass market. This means less investment in promotions / discounts / advertisements. This is a sustainable strategy as this segment will always value a quality product that gives them image value as well. Distribution Channels : Controlled distribution follows from its strategy of targeting. By availing its product in upscale restaurant / bars / peciality stores gives them advantages as under: 1. Signals that it is not part of the crowd (mass market) 2. Developing strong relationship with the premium restaurants and bars 3. Helps in controlling the price Bottle design: They have a first mover advantage in introducing a patented designer bottle in the market. This is patented and hence cannot be copied. Advertisement/promotions/brand associations: No TV advt. and no discounts. Brand associat ions and viral campiagns are a very important part of the strategy and that is the only promotion method that VOSS uses. Run of the mill advt. will put in the same league as other bottled waters in the market. Strategic Alignment: It is critical to note that the strategic alignment of all elements of strategy is what makes the marketing strategy of VOSS extremely successful. The strategy driven by differentiation (purest water and associating it with image – great design) is ably support by targeting/segmentation of premium segment. This combined with premium pricing and controlled supply helps in positioning. This then followed up with appropriate promotional strategy makes their mkt strategy work. This alignment gives them a distinct advantage which is sustainable and difficult to copy. As rightly pointed out in Business strategy, the competitive advantage emanates from management of the core resources of the firm and VOSS seems to be doing it pretty well. Opportunities and Challenges Growth is one of the biggest challenge for VOSS as the ultra premium segment is not a very fast growing segment. Some options for growth are :- Expand internationally in Emerging markets : The ultra rich segment is growing very rapidly in emerging economies like India and China. It may be a good opportunity for VOSS to enter these markets. Though there are challenges of imitation and localisation. Also, will that mean that it will affect its brand as may be people may start doubting its exclusivity? Enter the lower end of market : This is a tricky one. This is the fastest growing and biggest segment of the market. However, capturing this means going against its core segment and strategy. Though it may choose to develop its separate brand (VOSS Red) and push it in the Retail channel. However, before doing that it has to do a proper study and research on whether this will impact its premium brand (VOSS silver) or not. Flavoured Water : This is another option where it can do product enhancements and enter the flavoured water market. However, this may put it in the same league as other flavoured waters (no differentiation point-cannot claim it as purest flavoured water) Whatever is done, one thing is for sure that it is very difficult for VOSS to deviate from its core strategy of superior product offering which right now sets it apart.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Vancouver Second Narrows Bridge Collapse Assignment

Vancouver Second Narrows Bridge Collapse - Assignment Example Several parties, both individuals and the government were impacted due to the occurrence of the collapse. The disaster cost the Canadian government a total of $16 million. The collapsed occurred at the time when construction work was in progress; as a result, 19 lives were lost including a diver who volunteered to retrieve bodies from the water. In 1958 at around 3:40 p.m. a loud sound reverberated across Vancouver and brought tragedy and non-forgettable memories that still haunt the thoughts of those that witnessed the incident. The massive bridge in Second Narrows in the Burrard Inlet which was under construction for two years, unexpectedly collapsed and tons of debris fell into the waterway. Dozens of laborers way swept away resulting in the tragic death of iron workers, painters, an operating engineer, two engineers and a driver who had embarked on a rescue operation. The bridge was constructed by the Dominion Bridge firm on the Burrad inlet. Its highest point was one seventy five feet above the water. It was later revealed that one of the steel plans in the structures had bucked making the whole structure to collapse. The workers were earning an average of $3.85 an hour equivalent to $25 in today’s currency. The six lane girder truss bridge was to link North Vancouver and the city of Vancouver. The key cantileve r structure about 620 meters long had a 335m cantilever span and two 467 feet anchor spans (Eric, 2011). The bridge also had four steel trusses measuring 285 feet and nine concrete made spans. The construction of the bridge had started in 1956 and was expected to be complete by1958 at a budgeted fee of about $16 million. The parts that fell were the newly built northern anchor spans and a truss span directly adjacent to it. The collapse occurred when the workers were just moving more steel to the pendent end. The bent that was

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Use of Humour in Ligeti's Le Grand Macabre Essay

Use of Humour in Ligeti's Le Grand Macabre - Essay Example Ligeti uses parody throughout the opera, as well as related techniques such as 'quotation, distorted quotation, ... and pastiche' (Searby, 2010, p.171). This parody is combined with the mixture of 'a number of contrasting musical elements' as diverse as flamenco, a church hymn, and ragtime to further undercut the seriousness of the music (Searby, 2010, p.71). Ultimately the effect of these musical techniques is a kind of incongruity which makes listeners laugh as they struggle to make sense of the mixed-together styles. Additionally, the parody of more serious works invites listeners to compare the opera to those other works as they listen. Outside of musical parody and pastiche, a good deal of the humor comes from the 'scenario of the opera itself,' which is very 'heavy-handed' and comes in a 'fast, sort of manic fashion'. The scenario, which focuses among other things on people who want to have sex constantly and someone who wants to destroy the world, is clearly humorous, even if it is not a happy kind of humor. As John Morreall points out, two of the things which make us laugh are incongruity or the unexpected, and ' feelings of superiority over other people'. One example of both kinds of humor, complete with heavy-handedness, in Le Grand Macabre is how the astronomer's wife asks for a good lover and is then killed because the sex she gets from Nekrotzar is so rough. While this should not really be funny, it is funny because we can feel superior to her and also do not expect sex to lead to death.

Monday, November 18, 2019

BLUES INC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BLUES INC - Essay Example Managers of Blue’s Incorporated are determined to become the leader of denim products in the industry. As we know that companies make every effort to gain competitive advantage in the market, Blue’s Incorporated can maintain its dominant status by evaluating the current marketing budget as well as the marketing budget of the competitors. As market analyst, I evaluated the current budget of the company and came up with the decision to change the current marketing budget. Changes in the budget will be very productive for Blue’s Incorporated as they will allow the company to expand the brand name. The objective of giving Blue’s Incorporated a time to excel is at hand (Applying ANOVA and Non-Parametric Tests, 2003). In the first week, the marketing budget of the company was set to $169 million. At present, the market share of the company is nearly 6% of the total share of the denim industry, which is nearly $40 billion. Setting the marketing budget to $169 million is really a good decision, as it will ensure a brilliant future for the company (Applying ANOVA and Non-Parametric Tests, 2003). In the second week, there were two tasks. First task was to examine fluctuations in the market size whereas the second task was to arrive at a sales forecast. Tasks included examining the average model and k-period for the production level as well as for the average model. The company chose a weighted moving average along with two k-periods and estimated the weights at 0.2 for a period of 12 years whereas 0.8 for 11 years. The production level of 40.00 million units was set for the estimate. However, this decision did not seem to be a good one as it could have a negative effect on the future of the company (Applying ANOVA and Non-Parametric Tests, 2003). Although the company made incorrect decisions in the 2nd week of the research, but in the 3rd week, the company attentively analyzed and examined the quarterly

Friday, November 15, 2019

Effects Of Improper Waste Management Environmental Sciences Essay

Effects Of Improper Waste Management Environmental Sciences Essay The issue of Waste Management has be an ongoing issue in Nigeria but came into lime light in 1988 with the disposal of toxic waste in the then Delta State (Edo state). Nigeria as the most populous country in Africa has an estimated population size of about 160 million people, a growth rate of 2.37% and generates an annual municipal waste figure of 25,000,000 tones. This policy sets to identify the probable sources of waste generation, their effects, and disposal methodology and thereafter recommend mitigation strategy for Waste Management by proffering probable solution to its management by means of: Its Prevention, Its Reduction, Its Beneficial usage through the 3Rs of waste management and Development of Statutory, legal and legislative regulations for the management of waste. Although there are Federal and State Ministry of Environment, Environmental Protection Agency (State and Federal), we still have problems about enforcement of the responsibilities for regulation and monitoring to ensure legal, statutory and social compliance. COUNTRY PROFILE The Nigerian economy is one that has experienced a number of environmental problems in its over fifty (50) years of being an independent nation. There apparently seem to be no end in sight except a few radical changes are made to its economical and environmental policies. The waste management system in operation in Nigeria leaves a lot to be desired. The countrys current environmental issues include but are not limited to: Oil pollution and gas flaring (which affect water, aquatic lives, air, and lead to loss of arable land), Waste pollution (which causes air, land and water pollution), Rapid urbanization. A look at nine (9) of the major cities in Nigeria gives a fairly good idea of the disaster the country is looking at in terms of unchecked waste generation and management. The Map below shows each of the nine (9) states with their generated annual municipal waste One would expect that a country of such magnitude both in population size and economic importance will have structures in place to adequately combat the menace posed by waste generation and management but this is not the case as the country doesnt have a single sanitary landfill for waste disposal. It disposes waste in open landfills and dumps. SOURCES OF WASTE GENERATION The environment is a continuously changing one and the quantity of waste generated increases with an increase in population, peoples attitudes and rapid urbanization. In providing a solution and putting in place a policy to manage waste in the Nigerian economy a clear understanding of what waste is and how it is generated is required. What is waste? The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) defines waste as materials that are not prime products (that is products produced for the market) for which the generator has no further use in terms of his/her own purposes of production, transformation or consumption, and of which he/she wants to dispose. Waste is generated from: Residential waste: household waste and kitchen waste Commercial waste: office waste e.g. papers Institutional waste: papers Municipal waste: sludge and general waste Process waste: scraps Agricultural waste: pesticides Construction waste: wood, Concrete etc Drilling: Oil spillage, gas flaring, coal, ash Types of waste (Diagram) EFFECTS OF IMPROPER WASTE MANAGEMENT It is a well known fact that our environment is poorly protected and not many Nigerians know the actual scope and the ramifications of this problem. What is Waste Management? Waste management is the act of collection, storage and disposal of waste to prevent pollution, degradation of the environment. This ranges from ordinary household, industrial wastes even generated by factories and nuclear power plants. Proliferation of vermin: Dirt has been known to be the breeding grounds for vermin like rodents, mosquitoes and microbes Water pollution: This occurs mainly when ground water is contaminated from oil spillage and washed off chemicals that enter the ground. This has an adverse effect on marine life, drinking water and deforestation occurs because plants get contaminated water into their roots. Air pollution: This occurs when waste is incinerated indiscriminately in public without the proper facilities being used and even dumped in the open. The incinerated waste especially plastic release toxins that could produce acid rain and the smoke could cause lung damage. Land pollution: This occurs when waste is not deposited at proper disposal sites but is dumped in open landfills. This causes a blot on the landscape and a reduction in property price where such landfills are found. Public Health Issues: The unregulated dumping of waste which gives room for microbes and insect to breed creates health issues such as: malaria (mosquitoes), typhoid (contaminated home water source) etc. Reduction in Agricultural production: waste especially oil spillage, gas flaring, chemical contaminants reduce the quality of the soil and this in turn is noticed in the reduction of agricultural produce Methane production: which if not treated properly causes green house effect and add to ozone depletion (unmanaged waste smells and generates the gas) Climate change leads to an increase in the intensity and frequency of weather extremes, such as heat waves, floods, droughts and tropical cyclones. The people hardest hit by climate change and environmental degradation are those living in the most vulnerable areas such as coastal communities and Delta Regions in Nigeria. This climate change and the effects it generates lead to property damage, business interruption, forest fires and health risks. Flooding: This occurs when waste is disposed in drainages by man or by natural occurrence (washed by rain).This could causes flooding when rain falls. Erosion: The presence of chemical and toxic waste in the soil reduces its compatibility and causes soil wash off when rain falls. PROBLEMS: The problem of inadequate waste disposal and management practice in Nigeria is based on a few controllable factors that are highlighted as: Enlightenment: Nigerias citizens lack the general awareness of worlds best practices for waste disposal, management and the possible effects of non-compliance on their health. Meager funding: The funds allocated to each state for waste management is inadequate to battle the issues of environmental waste. States like Lagos have only 5-7% of the states allocation to battle waste management. Obsolete technology and inadequate equipment: The people who have been given the job of waste disposal and management do not have the equipments and technology to do the job. Inexperience of staff: The staff who have been allocated to manage waste disposal and management do not have the technical knowhow to go about doing the job. Incomplete policy to combat improper waste disposal: The policies on ground have not been improved to meet the changing population size, urbanization and worlds best practice. Sanitary Landfills: Nigeria as a country doesnt have a single sanitary landfill to its name. It uses open landfills and dumpsites for its waste disposal which is not hygienic and environmentally friendly. Traffic: This situation is more prominent in urban cities where the distance between the point of collection of waste and the disposal point could take a whole day to cover because of traffic congestion Legislature implementation: Nigeria has the uniqueness of making laws without having the legal presence to implement them and has cascaded to the waste management sector. Government Legislation: In situations where there are environmental laws in place, the fines attributed to breaking the laws are not a fair representation of the offence Environmental Sanitation Edict NO:12.1985 stipulated a fine of two (200 ) naira or two( 2) months in prison for going out on sanitation days. GOVERNMENTS EFFORT SO FAR It is accepted that the Nigerian government has put in place several environmental bodies to curb the increasing environmental issues caused by waste generation. Such bodies include: Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) was established on 30th December, 1988 by the Federal Government to secure a quality environment for Nigerians. National Environmental Standards and Regulation Enforcement Agency (NESREA) was established in 1999 to enforce environmental laws. It was established as a subset of FEPA. Each state in Nigeria has its own Environmental Protection Agency e.g. Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) State Ministry of Environment National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA) ADVISED SOLUTIONS (RECOMMENDATIONS) GOVERNMENT TECHNICAL SOLUTION. The technical solutions recommended for government approval are: Prevention of waste This technique will include practices like: increasing the shelf life of a product (increasing product warranty) by citizens in their everyday life. Waste Generation Reduction. The key to achieving waste generation reduction is for the government to create awareness. Educate people on the effects of waste generation on the economy, the environment and themselves and to advise them on waste generation reduction techniques of shopping. This technique says that: People should only purchase what they need (necessities and essentials) People should purchase reusable products and goods People should buy products with little packaging People should buy recyclable products Composting: The government should set up waste compositing sites at strategic parts of the country. Compositing involves the use of anaerobic bacteria at high temperature and in the presence of Oxygen to digest and breakdown biodegradable waste into different components that are harmless to the environment and the end product can be used as fertilizers by farmers. Recycling The Nigerian government has no recycling department or unit in its environmental agency and also has no recycling plant. The key to recycling is in educating people on the different classes of waste and the different means of disposal and separation. The process of recycling involves the reprocessing of waste to produce a different or new product. This process should involved both the government and the people Incineration: With the reduction of the water content in generated waste, incineration can be carried out in an enclosed space under certain conditions to generate heat and energy that can be used to generate electricity. The government should look at this option as another means for energy generation as with the population size in the country the waste generated will be put to better use. This can only be achieved if citizens develop the practice of classifying waste into: general waste, recyclable waste and reusable waste. Sanitary landfill: Nigeria as a country doesnt have a single sanitary landfill. A sanitary landfill is usually used for the final waste that cannot be reused, recycled or composited. The ground is dug and lined to prevent the contamination of ground water and the waste is packed and lined then covered with dirt to reduce its smell and to stop animals from digging it up. The sanitary landfill site should be located far from residential areas. The government should look at building a few sanitary landfills in key areas in the country GOVERNMENT GENERAL SOLUTION: Set up awareness campaign to educate people on the worlds waste disposal and management best practices Provide technical knowhow and training programmers to environmental waste management agency employees Companies and the type of waste they generate should be registered with the government so as to enable the government put facilities on ground to dispose and manage the waste. Different types of waste should have different disposable sites. The disposal and management responsibility of waste should be cascaded down. The government should get private investors who will assist them in managing the generated waste Encourage the generation of a professional body for waste disposal and management Ensure that there is accountability for any waste disposal issue that might arise in the country. Ensure waste policys are implemented Ensure that physical, informative and financial facilities are put on ground to adequately combat environmental waste disposal and management. Creation of an adequate legal frame work to try offenders of waste management laws will go a long way in. Finance research into waste reduction and waste utilization technique ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF RECOMMENDATIONS Methane: The methane generated from fermentation if managed properly can be used as cooking fuel. This the government can add as another source of cooking fuel instead of kerosene and firewood Re cycling: Stops flooding: Incineration: Heat and Energy generated through this process will be used in electricity generation which in turn reduces our reliance on hydrolic electricity generation Compositing: This is a source of fertilizer to farmers that is environmental friendly Agriculture: The improvement in soil quality will lead to a corresponding increase in agricultural produce which if exported is a source of foreign currency. Reduces erosion: The increase in comportment of the soil will reduces the probability of erosion occurring with rainfall Good ground water and aquatic life survival: This will provide clean water for human consumption and plant growth Healthy populace: With the advent of a sustainable environment the countrys population will be healthy and free of waste and water borne diseases.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption :: essays research papers

The story of Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption begins in 1948 when Andy Dufresne arrives at Shawshank prison. In contrast to most other convicts, he's not a hardened criminal but a soft-spoken banker, convicted of killing his wife and her lover. Like everyone in Shawshank, he claims to be innocent. Like most newcomers, Andy gets in trouble with the sisters. They are a gang of sodomites led by Bogs Diamond that gang up on anyone they feel they can handle, and Andy is no exception. Not until much later does he escape their attentions. Red, the narrator of the story, is known as the guy who can get stuff. His ability to deliver contraband of almost any type into Shawshank makes him somewhat of a celebrity among prisoners, and it's also the reason that Andy approaches him. Andy's hobby outside the walls was rock-carving, and now he has immense amounts of free time on his hands, so he asks Red to get him a rock hammer. He uses this to shape small rocks he finds in the exercise yard into small sculptures. The next item he orders from Red is a large poster of Rita Hayworth. When taking the order, Red reflects that Andy is excited like a teenager just for ordering a pin-up poster, but doesn't think more of it then. One spring day, Andy and Red and some other prisoners are tarring a roof when Andy overhears a guard griping over the amount of tax he will have to pay on an inheritance he has just gotten from a run-away brother. Andy approaches him (almost getting thrown off the roof in the process) and tells him that there are legal ways to avoid taxation. He offers to help him with all the necessary paperwork for the operation, in exchange for some beer for himself and the other prisoners on the roof. This is the beginning of a long stretch of economic work for Andy. More and more of the screws discover that they can use him for tax returns, loan applications, and other things like that. In return for his help, he gets protection from the sisters and is allowed to stay alone in his cell instead of having a cellmate like most other prisoners. For a short period, he shares a cell with an Indian called Normaden, but he soon leaves again. He keeps complaining about the draught in the cell while there.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ms hall

I have read your summary regarding your current challenge with changing marketing trends and the upcoming renewal of your 5 year contract with a large quick service restaurant. You have had a long and profitable relationship with this international fast food company and this relationship has been an Important part of your firm's growth. While you do face some obstacles, there are solutions to overcome these. First hand and most Importantly lets point out and discuss the problems you face.First the market trend issue: The marketing trend challenge you currently face is a decline in the sale of kid meals. With technology advancing kids no longer value the toys you market. In addition, child obesity and health problems are receiving greater attention in the media and the threat of advertising regulations is increasing, these regulations are already in place in Europe. Your manufacturing costs in China have gone up 40% due to an increase in raw material costs and export tariffs. And to t op it off the overall time to market these toys is lengthy.Last and most important your team has been ineffective in addressing these market trends, and working collectively to resolve these Issues. Renewing this contract and maintaining relationship Is important to your firm. Are you assuming the USSR wants to renew the contract and do they want toys? Is your firm prepared to take on this large account at this time? These are 3 recommendations to help you. Restructure of your organization this should be done prior to renewing the contract, ask the USSR for extension of contract renewal.Re evaluate and define your mission and goals. Establishing an innovation team or a R and D department. Teams and managers should have regular meetings with an agenda to implement your business strategy, improve communication and use critical thinking as a method to problem solving. Ineffective teams and quality assurance and Improvement should be monitored regularly to address future problems. A fac ilitator may be helpful to gulled the team's decision making process during meetings.You may have employee resistance and cost and there will be cost and time to train and recruit managers, but this must be done to endure success in your firm. Establish a technology based company relationship to market new products/incentives and incorporate into your marketing. Examples Tunes, Apple APS, Play station, Mineshaft, Game Stop, are a few technology ideas you can work with to offer new products or incentives in your marketing. The incentives should be correlated with some type of healthy choice the USSR offers. An example of this would be vegetables or fruit as part of the happy meal.Incorporating the product into a healthy choice will also improve the public and media perception of your organization and demonstrates your flexibility for new innovative ideas that adjust to market trends moving towards health and wellness. Move manufacturing to domestic location- you can respond to the ma rket quicker, avoid Import and export tariffs, and Increase positive media volleyball by supplying more Jobs In the U. S. You an contract or set up your own manufacturing plant to supply your other accounts that use toys and incorporate your new products into production.With and provide Jobs to low income workers and or migrant workers. You can publicize these new opportunities for Jobs and community growth to improve media visibility. One drawback to this would be time. You will have to establish resources and connections to build or contract a manufacturing plant. In conclusion I think you will find these solutions effective with some drawbacks but in the long run will help your organization thrive and adjust to the demanding changes of the future.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Essay about Romeo and Juliet

Essay about Romeo and Juliet Essay about Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Theme Analysis True love and infatuation In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the main characters bring us through the ups and downs of their young love, ending with their gruesome deaths. The play begins with Romeo being in love with one girl, and then he quickly forgets about her and becomes so infatuated with another girl that he rushes into a marriage with her. This goes to show that young boys only love for beauty, perhaps they only search for lust. While Romeo and Juliet truly believe they are in love, Shakespeare claims that loving too quickly won’t last. In the beginning, Romeo shows his desperation and lovesickness for a girl that doesn’t love him back when he shouts â€Å"Ay me! Sad hours seem long/†¦ Out of her favor, where I am in love.† (I.i.153, 158). You immediately think he speaks of Juliet, but Shakespeare surprises you with introducing a girl named Rosaline. Romeo believes her to be the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, and that he could never love anyone but her. He then goes to Friar Lawrence and cries to him over his love for Rosaline. Romeo and Benvolio are accidentally invited to a Capulet party. Benvolio talks Romeo into going by saying that Romeo might encounter a different girl. â€Å"At this same ancient feast of Capulet’s/ sups the fair Rosaline whom thou so loves/ With all the admired beauties of Verona./ Go thither, and with unattainted eye/ compare her face with some that I shall show,/ And I will make thee think thy swan a crow.† (I.ii.84-89.) Benvolio tells Romeo that she really isn’t the most beautiful girl in Verona and after going to this party he will come to think she is one of the ugliest. While attending this party, he spots a beautiful girl across the room. â€Å"Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear./ So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows/ as yonder lady o’er her fellows shows./ The measure done, I’ll watch her place of stand,/ And, toughing hers, make blessed my rude hand./ Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! / For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.† (I. v. 45-51.) He feels magnetized to this girl because of her beauty. He walks up to the girl to meet her, and quickly feels this strong connection, even though they don’t know each other’s names. When he finds out that she is Capulet’s daughter, Juliet, he knows the only way they could be together is if Friar Lawrence secretly marries them. Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence’s and asks him to marry them. â€Å"Holy saint Francis, what a change is here! / Is Rosaline, whom thou didst love so dear, / So soon forsaken?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gods vs humans Essays - Epic Of Gilgamesh, Flood Myths, Enkidu

Gods vs humans Essays - Epic Of Gilgamesh, Flood Myths, Enkidu Gods vs humans Gods vs. Humans Over time and throughout the world there have always been different views on what ?god? is and who the different gods were or whom different people saw as ?gods?. Over time there are been several different religions ranging from worshiping one god to worshiping many gods. In ancient Mesopotamia the culture worshiped many gods, in fact they worshiped up to two thousand different gods. The main writing of this time was The Epic of Gilgamesh. This writing was the story of how the gods interacted with the humans and the relationship they had with them. Gilgamesh the main character in the story was on a mission to find immortality. He was envious of the gods for having this ability and he did not. Through out the writing we will see how the Mesopotamians saw the concept of the gods and what relationships the gods had with humans. To start, the Mesopotamians believed that there were several gods. They believed that there were gods to control emotions, weather, and actions. All of these gods had a different purpose and were worshiped when humans needed a certain event or thing to happen. The people believed that if the gods were happy they would help you prosper and have an easy life, but if you went against them bad things would happen to you. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh was offered the life of a king by a female god. She said that if he was with her he would live an amazing life of pleasure being waited on hand and foot. Gilgamesh ended up turning down this offer and ultimately suffered the consequences. Unlike Gilgamesh it was most peoples goal to ultimately make the gods happy and keep them on their good side so that they would be rewarded not punished. In the Mesopotamian times people thought to have developed relationships with the gods. These relationships were always meant to be good ones in order to received blessing from them. The gods were said to act immature and childish if they did not get their way, therefore humans did not want to bring this emotion out in them. In The Epic of Gilgamesh was given a friend Enkidu. Enkidu was brought into Gilgamesh?s life by the gods as in order to correct his terrible habits that he participated in while being king. Gilgamesh was known for raping women and abusing humans. Being two-thirds god and one-third human Gilgamesh saw himself as above humans but not yet as high as a god. When Gilgamesh met Enkidu they ended up becoming great friends. When the gods learned of their friendship they killed Enkidu by disease. After Enkidu?s death Gilgamesh was deeply saddened and went on a venture in order to find immorality just as the full gods possessed. The gods had direct relationships with the h umans, but they always wanted them to see that they ultimately had all of the control over them. Gods could give what they pleased and take it just as fast. Gilgamesh was on a mission to become immortal as the gods and reach an even playing field with them. He sought out his goal and found that there was no way that a human could ever fully become a god. The line between the two would always stand. The only way he could reach his immortality would be through a plant that could continue to return him to youth, but would never make his life completely immortal. As always the gods had to have their hand in Gilgamesh?s life. They could not let him out with them. The gods had a snake steal the plant before Gilgamesh could return to his kingdom to bring himself and the elder?s youth again. The gods had to make it clear to Gilgamesh that he was part human and they were the gods and if he did not follow as told he would not be blessed, but would be punished for his actions. All in all, the Mesopotamians believed that there were may gods and there was a god for each part of life. Humans did have a direct relationship with gods, they were not just worshiped, but they were interacted

Monday, November 4, 2019

Leading Linklaters to Its Goal through Training and Development Essay

Leading Linklaters to Its Goal through Training and Development - Essay Example In 2010, Linklaters was reported to rank fourth instead ( 2010), exchanging places with B&M, a U.S. competitor. The decline in revenue implies a gap in the performance of Linklaters firms. II. Training Needs Analysis Linklaters has identified that in order to retain its previous position in the industry, it has to improve on building relationships that endure through business cycles. In accordance to this, the firm determines its need to constantly focus on their clients, deeply understand the global market, be globally minded and committed while showing integrity in the way employees and lawyers interact with the communities they serve. The training to be provided would involve all employees and lawyers within the Linklaters firms. In consideration of the different roles they play in the organisation, separate trainings will be provided to emphasise best practices of customer care in each unit. III. Training Plan A strong presence in the global market practically r equires an organization to be customer-focused. The satisfaction of returning customers can help spread the good word to attract new customers to the services of the firm. In addition, new or first-time customers should develop a good impression of the firm to ensure satisfaction and increase referrals. John (2003) identifies that a customer-focused firm has an intimate knowledge of its customers. Customer intimacy helps to provide superior customer value or operational excellence. Likewise, it allows improvement of customer value, thus leading to the attainment of product leadership. The effort to achieve customer intimacy and product excellence serves as ‘a guiding element in corporate strategy and performance’ (208). The corporate structure of Linklaters suggests the need for a common ground in customer-focused practices. The training to be conducted would yield a list of best practices for each unit of lawyers and employees in countries around the globe where Linkla ters has its presence. Establishing best practices for customer care would strengthen the corporate identity of the firm and promote better global corporate performance. IV. Training Aim, Objectives and Motivation A. Aim The training aims to promote the use of best practices to improve customer intimacy and corporate identity. B. Learning Outcomes By the end of the training, the participants will be able to: A. Emphasise the importance of customer intimacy among employees and lawyers B. Identify best practices of customer service in each department/unit to promote a common corporate identity among partner firms C. Show camaraderie among members of the community to help in cascading customer intimacy D. Establish means and procedures for evaluating customer satisfaction and intimacy. C. Motivation The motivation of the training is goal orientation. In the first part of the training, the facilitator will explain to the participants the goal of the company and the reason for conducting the training. V. Training Design A. Introduction Participants will introduce themselves and mention their role in their respective departments. B. Content Lecture: What are Best Practices? A short lecture will be conducted by the facilitator to define best practices and their significance in an organisation. This sets the mind of the learners to understand that best practices are important in an organisation especially global firms like Linklaters. Importantly, the short lecture will

Friday, November 1, 2019

Life of Moses and Effectiveness in the Ministry Assignment

Life of Moses and Effectiveness in the Ministry - Assignment Example This paper is divided into three parts, according to the key components of the life and work of any minister of God who must be constantly guided throughout life by faith, love, and hope. The first part covers the life of faith and prayer, the central point and the soul of my life, ministry, and apostolate. As a minister, my role is to know God’s will, carry it out, and share it with others. This is why a life of faith and prayer is crucial for my ministry to be performed with rectitude of intention and a spirit of service and humility. The second part considers the active life, best described as the life of love or charity, which highlights my calling to occupy a special place as the mediator between God and his people. A life of love for all needs to be, balanced with the life of prayer, because every minister is called by God to perform a special mission in wor, d, among men and women, amidst good and evil, with the special task to help in the transformation of the world an d to confirm everything and everyone to God’s image and likeness. The third part is on my life of hope, a reflection on the challenges I will face in the world as God’s minister, and how Gregory’s reflections on Moses struck me as inspirational and appropriate. Learning from Moses, the man but at the same time called by God, with weaknesses and defects, is made by Gregory into a deep, human and supernatural experience. The trials of Moses parallel the ordinary trials facing me, and from which I could learn key lessons for life. The conclusion ties up the practical lessons from the Life of Moses into a summary that would guide me in the performance of my ministry. This also functions as a memory aid that could help ensure a fruitful life of prayer, faith, love, and hope not only for me but for anyone who wishes to serve God in any way. Called to a Life of Prayer and Faith Like a light that attracts, such as the call to the ministry; as God in the burning bush dre w Moses in the first of a series of intimate encounters, after which unfolds the panorama of Moses’ divine calling (II, 1-116). Gregory reveals in detail the meaning behind key events in the life of Moses, linking each experience to the significance of that encounter with God in the burning bush (II, 10-12; II, 13-18; II, 39-40).

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Term Definition Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Term Definition Paper - Essay Example This paper stresses that the current economic situation affects my organization in the form of lower demands for output because of the financial crunch. While the effect is on the national scale, if not on the global scale, local organizations can feel the effect through decrease in sales due to curbing down on consumption. At times like these when there is recession, organizations face a challenge of coming up with ways in order to boost demand, despite the developing mentality of curbing down on consumption. The inflation rate is determined by the interaction of the aggregate demand—the overall level of demand in the economy, and the aggregate supply—the overall level of output producers are willing to supply in order to meet these demands. An increase or upward shift in the aggregate demand at the same level of aggregate supply causes an increase in inflation rate—also known as demand-pull inflation. This article makes a conclusion that the most important economic indicator which affects my organization is the growing inflation, which is of the cost-push variety that a lot of other countries in the whole world also experience. The cost-push inflation makes the prices of inputs higher, therefore squeezes the profit of the organization. With the challenge of lower demands, the profitability is further worsened. Therefore, my organization faces a challenge to come up with ways in order to improve profitability, either by finding ways to cut down on cost and lessen the higher prices of inputs, or boosting demand and repeat purchase among the customers.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Iraq War Was Wrong Essay Example for Free

Iraq War Was Wrong Essay The Iraq war was a horrible thing. It caused many things to happen. I’m against going to war with them because there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as the US government claimed. One of the main reasons listed by George W Bush for the war was to secure Iraqs chemical and biological weapons, which did not even exist. Secondly, there were no terrorists in Iraq, and Iraq had no connection to Sept. 11. We should have focused our resources in Afghanistan where the real terrorists were. Thirdly, we were underprepared for the occupation of Iraq and couldnt deal with the insurgency that followed. And lastly, the war was a huge waste of resources which the US gained nothing from. The United States lost over 1,040 American soldiers fighting in this war that we got nothing from. The war has hurt our country economically greatly. Over $151.1 Billion has been out towards the war. I feel since from this outcome that we shouldn’t have gone to war with them. It’s a hard thing to put our country through. Iraq was attacked by the United States in the year of 2003. The US went to war with Iraq, because on either the administration or disinformation, and the started reason have changed over the time. The main reason given by the administration of George W. Bush was that Saddam Hussein the leader of Iraq was engaged in having nuclear weapons. Many thought that Hussein might use these weapons to attack against The United States. One of the main reasons for the attacks on Iraq was to disarm them of any weapons of mass destruction that they have. This makes sense to prevent future terrorist attacks, but no weapons of mass destruction were in Iraq. Iraq did use weapons of mass destruction in the 1980’s but not since then. Almost all of Iraqs weapons of mass destruction were destroyed or otherwise made unusable in the 1990s. Also, Saddam wanted to stay in power. Using weapons of mass destruction would mean a sure end to his power. This calls into question whether or not invading Iraq was justified because the Bush administration should have known that weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were effectively contained. Because Iraq is effectively contained, it was no longer an imminent threat to the United States or any other countries anymore. Saddam Hussein had never threatened to attack the United States or to use weapons of mass destruction offensively. Sure, Iraqs surrounding countries such as Kuwait and Iran hated Saddam Hussein, but they were not afraid of him. They knew that Iraq was the weakest country in the region. Iraq had been weak and under control since the Gulf War and has not troubled its neighbors. If Iraq is not a threat, there was no reason to be attacking them. Iraq was not involved in the September 11th attacks. So why did we go to war with them? Since, the war had continued, because the forces of the US were attacked by Iraqi guerillas. The US supported a new democratic government within Iraq, which was opposed by various Islamic groups that held power in the country. The US attempted to control the flow of oil from Iraq, one of the largest petroleum producers in the Middle East.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Genetically Engineered Crops: The Benefits Outweigh the Risks Essay

In order to understand the controversy of genetically engineered crops one must understand what genetic engineering or genetic modification is: â€Å"GMO are organisms that are generated by combining genes of different species using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology. Resulting organisms are then said to be transgenic, genetically engineered or genetically modified (GM). This group of organisms includes... plants.† (Celec et al., 2005) The genetic modification of crops and plants was created so that crops could, â€Å"... protect themselves against insects and disease, to feed and vaccinate people at the same time, to flourish in poor soil and drought, or to improve the quantity and bioavailability of individual nutrients.† (Roberts, Struble, McCullum-Gomez, Wilkins, 2006). These benefits may seem to outweigh the risks and in reality they do, however this does not mean the consumer should not be notified of the risks they are taking. The hallmark of our free society demands that the consumer be able to choose whether or not they want to eat something that may have health risks product labeling that identifies GMO ingredients allows for consumers to choose a particular product while ensuring that the producer feel more at ease with the way they disclose information and promote their product. Genetically engineered crops have many risks ranging from mild to serious. The risks of food allergy is one more serious factor. â€Å"There are risks not only from the parent crop, but in addition the new transgenic product can be an allergen.† (Celec et al., 2005) The risk of food allergens from genetic engineering is evident in this case with Brazil nuts and soy beans. In this case genetically modified soy beans had been given a protein from Brazil nut... ...base Ehrenfreund, M., Wheat With Engineered Gene Demonstrates Challenges for Researchers. (2013, May). Retrieved November 14, 2013, from Guidance for Industry: Voluntary Labeling Indicating Whether Foods Have or Have Not Been Developed Using Bioengineering; Draft Guidance, (2013, August). Retrieved November 15, 2013, from Kaya, I. H. (2012). Genetically modified crops and human health. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11(19), 3613-3617. Retrieved November 20, 2013, from Medwell Journals database. Roberts, K. S., Struble, M. B., McCullum-Gomez, C., Wilkins J. L. (2006). Use of a risk communication model to evaluate dietetics professionals’ viewpoints on genetically engineered foods and crops. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 106(5), 719-727. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from ScienceDirect database.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Cousins Death :: Disease Health Personal narrative Essays

My Cousin's Death The year was 1996, and I had traveled to England to spend the summer with my cousin at his farm in northern Lincolnshire. I arrived in late May, and was warmly greeted by my host. He suggested we travel in to the town and go for a pint at the local pub. I agreed and we traveled the few miles from his somewhat isolated residence to the nearby village of Barton upon Humber, a quaint historical village with a population of only a few hundred people. However when we arrived at the Red Lion, as the local public house was called, there was an eerie air of sobriety. Everyone was watching the television behind the bar, which was tuned to the evening news. The story was that there had been an outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as "Mad Cow Disease" at a farm in another region of Lincolnshire. This was obviously disastrous news, since virtually all of those present were, like my cousin, livestock farmers and such an outbreak had the potential to destroy whole herds of animals. Even those not yet infected might be destroyed or at least quarantined in order to eliminate the risk of spread of the disease. I was given to understand, from my cousin on the return trip to his farm, that the disease originated from use of cow and sheep meat in animal feed, or offal, but that it had not been identified until 10 years before and the regulations banning protein supplements containing sheep and cattle offal had not been rigidly enforced until 1992. Little more was known about the disease, except that it did have a variant which could potentially kill humans who ate infected meat. However such cases were extremely rare relative to the huge numbers of infected animals.1 Over the following weeks the scale of the epidemic increased. Government officials from the Department of Health came round to everyone's farms to perform tests and in some cases the animals were ordered to be slaughtered and their remains burned. The whole thing seemed to me wholly medieval, in the sense both of the lack of any cure and the destructive solutions. My cousin these days was acting somewhat strangely. He would forget to lock up the animals and perform other tasks around the farm.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analyse item 1 a newspaper article from ‘ The Guardian’ Essay

I am writing an assignment which is on media. The two sources I have been given to analyse is a leaflet from ‘ The Salvation Army’ and a newspaper article from ‘ The Guardian. ‘ Both are based on the subject of homelessness. The problem of homelessness is a very unsettled issue. It is evident in many countries but in the UK it is concentrated in London. The two items are different, as one is an article from a broad sheet newspaper whereas item 2 is a leaflet asking for donation for a charity which helps the homeless. The article on homelessness states many facts on the reasons why homelessness is an issue which is faced by many people today. It is estimated that â€Å"419, 400† individuals have been accepted homeless by the local authorities in which many are living in a â€Å"sub standard† condition and are not even included in the statistics. This means that there are many out there who are regarded homeless and are yet not to be found. The main reason that people are homeless is the fact that most of them are â€Å"rough sleepers† who go about during the day and sleep wherever there is a dry place. It is mentioned that the majority are â€Å"single people†. This may have been due to the fact that many of them leave home at a young age and are unable to support themselves financially and resulting in not having kids. It is estimated tat â€Å"90%† of the homeless population is male. One may think why? The answer to this is due to the fact of excess consumption of alcohol resulting in spending a huge amount of money and leading to bankruptcy and not affording to a good life. People who are † dependant on non prescribed drugs† are also homeless because they spend most of their income on drugs. It is also stated that those who suffer from â€Å"multiple social problems† are mostly either family problems or are kicked out due to other problems. They suffer mentally as these problems mount up leading them to leave home and run away with no benefits and live on the streets without a fixed home. As homelessness is increasing, government intends to abolish the problem by setting up plans for the future, which may help in development. The newspaper states that in order for this plan to work out successfully, the government proposed many new acts since 1980’s Due to â€Å"public outcry† against â€Å"doss houses† many of these houses were closed down, in return new warm â€Å"hostels† were opened; the downside to this improvement was that it was â€Å"insufficient† as by 1989 they were, â€Å"5000 fewer beds than there were 10 years ago. † By 1990 the government estimated 1000 to 2000 people were sleeping rough in central London. Along the government response to this was the Department of the Environment had launched a â€Å"three year i 90,000,000 rough sleepers initiative (RSI) in which they funded resettlement workers, temporary cold workers and a permanent accommodation† for rough sleepers to move on. Other authorities like the Department of Health launched a â€Å"homeless mentally ill initiative† to provide a more high care hostels for those with mental problems. Because of its success, the initiatives were â€Å"renewed† for a further 3 years in 1993. By 1995, the government reported that the number of rough sleepers in London dropped to around â€Å"270† which means it was successful. The problem of homelessness was reported in the newspaper article in the Guardian. Now I will analyse an extract of a leaflet from ‘ The Salvation Army’ which helps to tackle the problem of homelessness. ‘The Salvation Army’ is an agency, which works on people’s contributions to continue the agency’s work on helping homeless people. ‘The Salvation Army’ is â€Å"a provider of accommodation† for those who are single and homeless all year round. This group has â€Å"developed† a † successful programme† for helping people to find â€Å"permanent homes. † This means that ‘the Salvation Army’ is not only working on short-term projects but also on long term projects to ensure safety for the future and help build their lives. An example of a successful help project is Jim. It is stated that Jim was a success because of many people’s â€Å"generosity† which enabled a â€Å"brighter future for Jim. † Home for Jim was not good. He lived on a hill amongst â€Å"brambles†, because of the reason that his life living on the streets was disappointing, and also the reason about the time he got is hopes high of getting a job that was refused, because of â€Å"the interviewer took one look at his crumpled clothes† his hopes of living a good life with a fresh start was shattered and he was left where he started from. But then ‘ the Salvation Army’ stepped in. Once the Army hears a person in need like Jim, they send someone to investigate the matter. After that incident an officer visited him. With a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on Jim was taken to a hostel where he â€Å"enjoyed a hot bath, a shave† and most of all â€Å"friendship. † From then, Jim had been living in the local ‘Salvation Army’ hostel. Building up his confidence with the dedicated help of the officers he has open up his hope and is determined to find a job and build up his life once again. As this story was successful in Jim’s case it may mean many other cases which are there must be successful too. With this story as an example ‘the Salvation Army’ is a charity which is there to â€Å"lend a sympathetic ear and a comforting arm† and most importantly it is there to offer â€Å"true friendship† to those who are lonely and scared. ‘The Salvation Army’ is not there just to provide a temporary home but also to offer a long-term programme which enables a better future for the unfortunate homeless people. As ‘The Salvation Army’ is a charity which helps to build long term projects for the homeless, they have to find a way to make people pay attention and one strategy used is the use of emotional language. There are many examples in which emotional language is used but the main ones are: â€Å"Once in the streets, homeless people become prey to all sorts of illnesses, all potential killers. In fact over 600 people a year on the streets die on the streets. † In this sentence the word â€Å"prey† is used. The literal meaning of â€Å"prey† is a victim. This tells the reader that homeless people are victims of cold weather and the use of this word is emotional and used to make a point; it is also supported by a fact â€Å"600† making this statement true. Another sentence where the use of language is strong is † With your generosity we can give vulnerable people not only a happier Christmas but a brighter future too†. The word â€Å"generosity† is used to give an opinion of being helpful or kind. This suggests that with the help of the people outside giving donations it can give â€Å"vulnerable† people a happier Christmas and give a lifelong help of a good future. Another sentence which captures the reader’s eye is â€Å"We are the ones to lend a sympathetic ear, the ones with the comforting arm, the ones offering true friendship and support during difficult times†. The words â€Å"comforting, sympathetic† are both very emotional. They are used here in order for the reader to be aware of the good nature of ‘The Salvation Army’, how at difficult times they can offer â€Å"friendship† and show support to those who are in â€Å"difficult times†. The Salvation Army is there to help people who can’t help themselves and those who do not show help to others. The use of emotive words gives an impression of a sad tone to the story about Jim and to the life of homeless people. The two items about homelessness are very unlike as item 1 is an article from a broadsheet newspaper ‘The Guardian’ whereas item 2 is a information leaflet from ‘ The Salvation Army’. The newspaper article follows a parliamentary debate which is going to take place on the issue of homelessness. The article begins with a subheading getting to the key point about † the size of the problem†. It begins with the historical past of homelessness. A lot of statistical information is given; it also states what kind of people is most likely to be found homeless â€Å"single people, childless couples†. It also shows previous parliament records † over 8,000 people† which tells you that this debate has taken place once before. There are many facts given to show evidence of the controversial issue of homelessness. The newspaper article finally shows what the government has done to overcome homelessness; an example of this is doss houses which were â€Å"closed down†. The leaflet from ‘ the Salvation Army’ begins with an opinion, of how sleeping rough you can dread bad weather. It states a fact about living outside in the cold weather can feel like. Compared to the newspaper article which is not biased about who is to blame for being homeless, the leaflet states a biased opinion on how homeless people are â€Å"blameless† for their situation. It also states what kind of people is likely to be homeless, which is different from the newspaper article. It gives a reason for publishing the leaflet but does not give a lot of statistical information. There is a blend of facts and opinions like â€Å"over 600 people a year die on the streets† which is a fact. It also gives a reason for why they are successful by giving the story about Jim, which was a success. It does not show background information on the issue of homelessness. It ends with a paragraph on requesting help from the readers by donating money. The newspaper article gets to the point on what the article is about with a large heading in bold and capitals † HOMELESSNESS† which later is followed by sub- headings. It is set out in vertical columns which are not fully justified. It has short paragraphs and sub-headings. The paragraphs give much information in a compact place. In comparison to the leaflet which begins with bold highlighted blocks giving little facts. The paragraphs are set like tabloid newspapers also in vertical columns. There are very short paragraphs and some of them are in Italics; the font of the letters varies in style like Italics â€Å"with your generosity†¦ â€Å". It does not give substantial information on the issue. The newspaper article’s use of language is formal and direct; it is very informative stating many facts on the issue and the historical background. Like the parliament debate, the sentences are easy to understand and the sentences are balanced with connectives like â€Å"however, or†. It gives a lot of statistical information to show evidence of how homelessness is a very big issue. No emotional language is used. The leaflet’s use of language is very straightforward and easy to understand. The sentences are very simple. It has information but not in a great amount. There is a case study shown in the story about Jim and how ‘ the Salvation Army’ was a success and this can draw a person’s attention. Many financial appeals are requested using emotive words â€Å"with your generosity† and â€Å"become prey† which also catches the reader’s attention. The leaflet is based on appeal rather than factual information like the newspaper article. The Salvation Army’s main motive’s to ask for donations to help resolve homelessness whereas the newspaper article is informative and has a lot of statistical information in a more formal manner. The article appeals to me as a more informative packed story. It gives more amount of statistical information to prove many facts; the sentence which caught my eye was â€Å"90 per cent were male† as I did not think that most homeless people were male. It also begins on with what kind of people are most likely to be homeless which can tell the reader how homelessness has begun. The information on how homelessness has increased during the years shows the reader how it has become a more highly regarded issue and is something to think about. It also shows what the government is doing to tackle the problem and how at a yearly basis new initiatives have been introduced. The reader is left to make their own opinion about homelessness whether it is an issue worth thinking about and, make a public stand to it or leave it to the government to sort it out. The leaflet has a more emotional tone for public appeal on donating for a charity which is helping to reduce the problem of homelessness. The Salvation Army is a charity which is based on people’s donation to help the homeless and develop long term projects for a good future. It gives information on what kind of conditions the homeless have to sleep in. it also shows a case study to support their success. It is not as informative as the newspaper article. It has no fixed presentation device unlike the newspaper article which is all set in columns. Towards the end of the leaflet the reader is left to make a choice of feeling sorry for the homeless and donate money or is left untouched by the story about Jim.