Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Professional Philosophy For Teaching Family And Consumer...

Courtney Wood April 5, 2015 A Professional Philosophy for Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences Teaching is not merely about methods used and material presented in the classroom, but about shaping students’ lives to help them construct a firm foundation for a successful future. I desire to teach my students basic life skills as well as challenge them to set and reach their highest goals. Thinking about teaching and learning The purpose of education is to prepare students for their futures with both knowledge as well as fundamental life skills. I believe students are highly capable beings who have a desire to be productively challenged. To empower students to meet and exceed high expectations set forth by the state, school, or teacher, it is imperative that educators â€Å"teach for enduring understanding through partnerships and by drawing on brain-based education, students multiple intelligences, and culturally appropriate curriculum innovations† (Laster and Johnson). Beyond guaranteeing students can read, write, and perform basic math functions, we should be producing graduates who are responsible individuals positively contributing to society, reliable workers, and devoted family members. Whether students receive a scholarship to attend college or go to work immediately following graduation, we must train them to conduct themselves with integrity, have an admirable work ethic, and solve c hallenging problems they may face throughout their lives. In order to enableShow MoreRelatedAdvancing Rural Healthcare: The APN Educator’s Ways and Means1892 Words   |  8 Pageshealthcare in the United States, properly forming an answer requires the separation of healthcare by geography, demographics, and economics. These factors influence the quality and availability of services and resources available to clients and professionals. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Sleeping Beauty vs. Snow White Essay Free Essays

Every small girl make-believes to be a princess and struts around conceive ofing a prince charming. Even when they grow up and go a adult female. they’re still waiting for that prince to come brush them off their pess. We will write a custom essay sample on Sleeping Beauty vs. Snow White Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now so they can fall loony in love and unrecorded merrily of all time after. This phantasy is much because of Walt Disney films such as â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† . â€Å"Snow White† . â€Å"Cinderella† . â€Å"Little Mermaid† . and many others. These narratives have been passed down for centuries and legion versions exist today. There are many readings of the narratives and their significances that most people don’t even acknowledge. Though the narratives all seem different. some of them still have similar significances. â€Å"Snow White† and â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† are two narratives that have a common significance. Sleeping Beauty and Snow White are both characters that are unrealistically beautiful. Sleeping Beauty for case. had just tegument. bluish eyes. long light-haired hair. and an impossibly thin figure. This sets unrealistic criterions for female beauty. Besides the narratives show a dependance on males for the female individuality. The princess is kiping. merely waiting for her prince to come salvage her so she can restart her topographic point as princess and â€Å"live merrily of all time after† . Snow White was besides poisoned and laid sleeping until her prince came to salvage her. In a manner. this is stating that adult females are merely waiting about for a adult male to come salvage them from ordinary life. so that they can hold their ‘happily of all time after’ stoping. Another point that shows up in â€Å"Cinderella† is that the stepmother who raised three kids on her ain. which shows independency. is made the scoundrel of the narrative. while inacti ve Cinderella is the loveable victim. In these fairy narratives. they show intertwine a adult female is nil without a adult male. They give the image that a adult female has nil to make but wait for her prince. and so one time he comes her life will be fulfilled. In today’s universe it’s rather obvious that these things could non be more false. Harmonizing to Bruno Bettelheim. the legion versions of â€Å"Snow White† and â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† represent a immature miss turning up and going a adult female. though it is showed in different ways. In â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† . or in Grimm’s version â€Å"Brier Rose† . the expletive put on the miss by the evil faery represent new limitations imposed on a female. It can be interpreted as the beginning of menses. The 13 faeries represent the months of the calendar. The 12 good faeries represent the 12 traditional months of the twelvemonth. and since there is no 13th month. the 13th faery represents menses. Besides the evil faery realizes the girl’s potency for going the object of desire and out of jealousy attempts to forestall the miss from of all time going a adult female. Further on the representation of the expletive as menses. there is the King seeking to forestall it from go oning. because he does non understand it. However. the Queen understands the expletive and its importance. being a adult female herself. and does nil to halt it. So of course when the miss sees a spindle for the first clip. full of wonder. Se pricks her finger and falls asleep. The absence of the girl’s parents when she pricks her finger represents the parents’ inability to assist kids through the assorted tests of turning up. The King and Queen’s waiting symbolizes the delay for sexual fulfilment. It shows the terminal of childhood and a clip of quiet growing. from which she will rouse mature and ready for sexual brotherhood ( Bettelheim. 232 ) . In the narrative of â€Å"Snow White† . Bettelheim explains how it tells of how a parent ( the Queen ) gets destroyed by green-eyed monster of her kid. who in turning up surpasses her ( 195 ) . The Queen is non merely covetous of Snow White’s beauty in some versions. but besides covetous of the love of the male parent for the miss. They are jealously combating to be the King’s favourite. Since Snow White is more beautiful. she has more power and able to win over her male parent. Bettelheim uses Freud’s Oedipus composite for understanding the struggles between Snow White and her stepmother. The King and Queen in narratives represent absolute power. such as a parent holds over the kid. When the child’s place in the household becomes a job. they try to get away to get down the route to happening themselves. Snow White’s clip with the midget represents her period of growing ( 201 ) . When Snow White eats the apple. the kid in her dies. and is lef t to rest in a glass casket. which represents waiting for adulthood. until her prince comes ( 213 ) . Both these narratives represent a miss maturating into a adult female. and holding an older adult female jealous of their beauty. seeking to forestall them from turning up. These characters have to travel through a hibernating period of resting. so they can make sexual fulfilment and awake matured. ready to get down a life with their prince. There is besides person in both narratives. a male. who does non understand the maturing period. and attempts to forestall it. In â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† it was the King and in â€Å"Snow White† it was the seven midgets who tried to assist her. This shows that despite a parents efforts to prorogue being able to make adulthood at the proper clip. it happens however. How to cite Sleeping Beauty vs. Snow White Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Minds Are Opened When Our Hearts Opened Essay Example For Students

Minds Are Opened When Our Hearts Opened Essay Karate Satiety Academy was conferred on him for his total contribution to Kananga literature. It is highly creditable in spite of all these credentials, Dry. Amalgamate maintains simple city. The social aspects of Dalais are his area of concern. In profounder of Kananga Dalai literature. Dry. Amalgamate catches the attention Of people as an orator and makes them think over issues. His writing are equally sharp. He has founded a number of Dalai organizations and has taken active role in Dalai movement. At present Dry. Amalgamate is serving as professor Of Kananga in the Spume Institute of Kananga Studies, Moser University. He has also served as the Director Of the Institute and as the Director Of Prearrange, the publication wing of Moser university, prior to this. He is also serving as the Hon.. Director of Jaywalks Villas Palace Museum, Moser university. I CURRICULUM Vietnam Ravine Meliorations Name: Bushmasters Name: Hilariousnesss : Professor, Spume Institute of Kananga Studies Moser University, Misreported tot Birth 01. 05. Placemat of Birth : Muddleheaded, Abjure District, Geriatricians : With Drain Devil. Deputy Superintendent tot Police Karate State Police Service-in childrens Two sons -l. Dash Histrionically Pre University and Graduation-From 1973 to 1978 M G V C Collage, Methodologists Graduation-M. A. Form Karate University Dharma From 1978 to 1980 with a first class. PhD in 1985-gold medal for the Thesis from Karate University Dharma. Experience: Editorial Committee member of Vitality Gratuitousnesss Dharma. Magazine from 1988- 1935. Committee Of Folklore News letter Campus. Teaching Experience Breath-Joanna 1981- Editor offshoots Straight-a literary Member of the Editorial foraminifera University Research Experience from 30. 09. 1980 to 30. 10_1983, Legend Al G C Fellowship As a lecture-prom 30. 10. 1383 to 31. 081987, Government College, Mangrove. Experience as a Reader-groom 07. 07. 1987 to 03. 04. 1994 Mangrove University. Professor-from 04. 04. 1994, Spume Institute of Kananga studies, Moser University, Migrations, Moser. Administration / Membership of Academic Batteries Faculty Dean 2001 2004 to 2006 University of Nonacademic council Member Sensitive of Moser ASS, OBOE, BOA Member 2000 to for various enfranchisement Of Kananga Department Mangrove university Form 02. 11. 1992 to 03. 04. 1994. Director, Spume Institute of Kananga Studies, from- 03. . 2000 to 01. 01. 2001 and from 1504. 2004 to 01. 06. 2006. Hon.. Director Moser university, Jaywalks Villas palace Museum from 27. 10. Coeditor, Prearrange, Mistranslating, Moser 1995 to 2000 university of Misremembering of Government Committee s and Institutionalizes of Wholesales Book Purchase Committee, Government of Karate, Kananga and Culture Department 1991 to members of the Publication Committee of Popular Book Series of the Government of Karate, Kananga Culture Department 1991 to 1993,Member of Kananga Pussycat Paprika of the Government of Karate-from 1991 to 1995. Text book Committee member for the Pre university Board, Bangor, 1995-1996,Film Pre-Review and Selection Committee member tort Bangor Doormans Kenned trot 1997 to 2000. Member of Karate Satiety Academy, of the Government of Karate trot 1938 to 2000. Member of Executive committee Kananga Satiety Parish Bangor From 1998 to 2000 and from 2000 to 2003. Member of Chancy Parish, Shirtwaist Ashman, Barilla foundation-Delhi from 2003 to 2006. Published Works of Dry. Arriving Amalgamate. Poetry I. When the dumb opens his mouth (Moaning Bay Bandanna. 198212. Black Poetry (Kappa Kava_ 1985)3. The Third Eye Memoranda Kane, 1996) 4. Rhythm Re-Rhythm Radians the Cuckoo Ascends to Heaven (Nadia Indiana, Anneal (Composite Poetry-2002)6. Silicon City and (Silicon City Matte Goggle, 2003)7. The Untouchable (Channel Gramophones, 2003)8. Selected Poems Of Ravine Amalgamate (Arriving Multivariate Day Subinterval, 200419. Kafkaesque (Selected Poems of Arriving Amalgamate 2009)10. The Dark cosmos (Selected Poems of Arriving Amalgamate 2009 universe h eave Stories Translated in English by Dry. C. Ungallant. Towards the (Visualization, 2010)12. Flower is too (Hub Bulbar 2010)11. Short Stories 1. Unending Mudguard Gateau, 2000111. .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .postImageUrl , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:hover , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:visited , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:active { border:0!important; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:active , .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4 .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2ddf60028f55694e681dad58a23b00f4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Security 2 EssayNovel 1. The Death (Karma 1988)IV, Drama Ceremony 1. The Ablution Salt of the Ocean and Social Thought (Mechanistically, 198312. The Inner (Scandalmonger pup, 1999)V, Criticism, Literary 1. Dalai Millennium and Kananga Literature (Duality Yoga Matte Kananga Scythia, 1 999) 2. Dalai Consciousness: Literature, sociable and Culture (Dahlia Prangs: Scythia, Samara Matte Azimuths, 2003) 3. Cultural mutiny (Simulation Danged, 2004) 4. Pier and Moonlight 5. Satiety Khakis 2006) (Bennie Bilingual (A Collection of Critical Essays 2009) Selected writing s of Ravine Amalgamate Translated works 201 1) Deed. Proof: D. A. Shanghais. Autobiography Government Brahmas. 1994 (Translated to English-Puff Oriental Longing)VII_ Research in Folklore and other works 1. Nippier (Nippier-Canada Casehardens, 1983)2. Study Of Galore Unpadded Passing, 1985)3. Search for Folklore Unpadded Shop, 1990)4. Titular Data Galena (Titular Data Galena-Canada Seasoned, 1993)5. Folk Games Dammar (Canada Tactual, 1993)6. Deathlike (Deathlike Dammar-Vassar Skinhead Crutch 1995)Evil. Research 1. Devil Worship Study of Dalai Literary Movement Chanting, 1991) 3. Myth, Folklore and Natives Disheveled, BIBB) 4. Folk Games (Botheration, 1991)2. Theoretical (Dahlia Scythia Cyclically atavism (Purina Canada matte Unpaid Tactual, Ph. D. Thesis-1985)5. Floundered (Canada Banyans-SASS)lax, Studies and Reflections l. An Introduction to Dalai Literature (Duality Scythia Oppressive, 1996)2. How progressive is Interstate-Marriage ? (Antipathys Viva yeasts parathion ? 1996)3. Pun Pact and whither Should Dalais go (Ponytail Matte Deliberately Shagbark ? 1998)X_ Editing l. Conference (CO-Editor) Pour Idealist Novels Deed. 1990)3. Ideology of Embarked (Smashes-Shah Sampled, 1983)2. Annual Delicately Gadolinium- (Embarked Vicar Dare-Deed_ 1991)4_ Koran Community: A Study (CO-Author) (Koran Kananga Undo Daytona, 1 931) 5. Embarked-LSI and Counter- (Embarked Veda Samovars-Deed. 1992)6_ prom Grazing Ground to Gangster (Commandingly Generating, 1993)7. Foundation and background Of Dalai Literature Hinkle-Deed. 1997)8. Book industry in Kananga (Duality Shaggy Nell- (Kananga Grandmother, 1997)9. Folk Theoretical Consciousness and natives (Canada assistantship Prearrange Matte Deadheads, 1998)10. Principles of Folklore on Dalai Novels Maidenhair (Canada Advantages, 1999)11. Criticism (Quadrilateral Vinegars-Deed. 2000)12. Male Sweetness and Bitterness (Co-editing) (Male Maidenhair, 2001)13. (Bevy Bella, 2001)14. Dalai (Duality Marge, 2002115. Anneal Approach (Criticism) says about Embarked (Composite poetry, 2002)16. What Gandhi (Pub. Prangs Moore University 2000)XSL. Editor of Encyclopedias and Works of Similar nature I. Kananga Encyclopedia Volume 14. Chief Editor, Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser University-year 2005 1, C. D. S of Kananga Encyclopedia-14 volumes, Chief Editor Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser University-year 2006 1. Kananga Visalia Vishnu Gosh Karate -(Revised)-Chief Editor- Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser university-year 2005 1. Kananga Visalia Vishnu Gosh FolkloreChief Editor- Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser University-year 2006 1. Kananga Visalia Vishnu OSHA-zoology. Chief Editor, Institute of Kananga Studies-Moser University -year 2006 1. Epigraph Carnation-(Volume 12) Chief Editor, Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser University-year 2006 1 Jump Skirt Varnish, Chief Editor, Spume Institute of Kananga Studies- Moser University-year exile. Journalistic Work Isaiah Santiago, (Periodical) 1988-1995: (Editor) Vitality Bahrain- Quarterly, Karate university Journal, member of the Editorial Board -1981-1983. Karate Folklore News letter member Of the Editorial Board, Mangrove- 1988-1991 . Vishnu Sampans-Monthly, Moser university Journal, member of the Editorial Board. Gag. Paraphrased Karate, Quarterly Moser University Journal -Chairman of the Editorial Board 1995, 2000. Knavish Karate, Quarterly Moser university Journal Chairman of the Editorial Board 2008 Inwardly. Awards ; Prizes Gold medal for the Ph. D thesis 1985 Karate University Tenderhearted Buddha Award 1982 Recipient : Karate Government BangaloreNarashimhaia Award 1996 Kananga Scythia parish- Dry. Embarked Fellowship Award 1996 Barbarity Dalai Scythia Academy -Delhi Karate Satiety Academy Award 1996 for the Autobiography titled Government Brahmas Bangor Karate Satiety Academy Fellowship Award 2002 (for Total Contribution to Kananga Literature) Bangor Embarked Award 2005 Gout. Karate, Bangor XIV_ Awarded s Conferred but not Accepted: Sheikhs Rattan Parks-2007 India International Friendship Society. New Delhi-110001 .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .postImageUrl , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:hover , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:visited , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:active { border:0!important; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:active , .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubcb93eeeda69945d4cd5ac8ce0f7e5df:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Background of the Atomic Bomb EssayRestrain Gaur Award 2009 Best Citizens of India 2009 International publishing House New Delhi-110001 Twenty Ten National Academy Award for Literature Academy of Bengali Poetry Kola . 700054XV. Works on Ravine Amalgamates Wittings. Critical Responses to Karma (Deed. ) Sabina Fumigated. 1989 2. Dalmatian (Dalai Scholar Par Excellence) A seminar was conducted on the literature of Dry,Arriving Amalgamate in 1998 (Deed) Dry. Aragua Glassing 20003. Ravine Amalgamate Vary Shakespearean (Critical Essay on Arriving Amalgamate poetry ) 2005 4. Proof. Ravine Multivariate Marge-Satiety Sahara 2006 Dry.