Friday, May 31, 2019

Holocaust Essay -- History Genocide Nazi Germany Jews Essays

Holocaust IntroductionWhat, when, where, and why was the Holocaust? The Holocaust was first called a religious ordinance in which an offer that gave to some one was burned in a fire. The current definition of holocaust is any widespread human massacre. When it is written Holocaust, it substance when Nazi Germany complete(a)ly destroyed the Jewish. The Holocaust was during the period of January 30, 1933 to May 8, 1945. Hitler became Germanys chancellor when it first started and the war ended on the last day of the Holocaust, or known as V-E Day. During that time frame, Jews in Europe were killed in the worst way possibly and led to the death of 6,000,000 Jews and 5,000 communities destroyed. 1.5 million of those Jews killed were children. After Germanys addled in World War I, they were embarrassed by the Versailles Treaty, which lowered its prewar territory and armed forces. The German Empire demolished, a new government of fan tan called the Weimar Republic was born. The republi c suffered from economic instability, which grew worse when the great depression was happening. The great depression was when the stock market crashed in New York in 1929.Adolf Hitler became leader of the Nazi(National socialistic German Workers Party)on January 30, 1933. He was named chancellor by president Paul von Hidenburg after the Nazi won a election by the majority of the votes in 1932. Propaganda The Jews Are Our MisfortuneThe Nazi newspaper, Der Sturmer (The Attacker), was a major tool in the Nazis propaganda assault. The paper said, The Jews are our misfortune, in bold print, on the bottom of the front page of each issue. In the Der Sturmer, the Jews were regularly drawn as hooked-nosed and ape-like cartoons. By 1938, about a half a million copies were exchange weekly because the influence of the paper was far reaching.A little after Hitler became chancellor, he called for a new election for a effort to gain complete control of the Reicstag. Reicstag was a German parliam ent for the Nazi. The Nazi used the government to mess with the other parties. They banned their political meetings and arrested their leaders. The Reichstag building burned down February 27, 1933 during the substance of the election campaign. Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutchman, was arrested for burning the building and he swore he di... ... were able to hidenearly 7,200 Jews and transported them to safety in neutral Sweden. A unseasoned Swedish diplomatnamed Raoul Wallenberg, saved 1000,000 Hungarian Jews by issuing them passports so theywould not be deported. A German factory owner, Oscar Schindler, saved his Jewish striverlaborers by getting them from transports to the concentration camps. He kept them and fed themuntil the war was over. Some of the righteous gentiles saved the Jewish children by taking andraising them as their own.Liberation and the End of the WarGradually the camps were liberated, as the Allies advanced on the German Army. As thewar ended, between 50,000 and 100,00 Jewish survivors were living in three areas of occupationBritish, American, and Soviet. That figure grew to 200,000 within a year. The Americanoccupation had more than 90 percent of the Jewish displaced persons. The Jewish displacedpersons could not return to their homes, this brought tail end horrible memories and fear of dangerfrom anti-Semitic neighbors. Until emigration could be arranged to Palestine, and later Israel,United States, South America, and other countries the displaced Jews remained in camps.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Portrayals of John Anderton Essay -- Minority Report Movies Entertainm

Portrayals of John Anderton Imagine a world in which the thought of murder is a thing of the past a world that has successfully abolished the system of jails and fines with the aid of gifted individuals that can predict the future (Dick 72). Such a crime drop by the wayside world exists in Philip K. Dicks famous footling story, The Minority draw. Using the adaptation made by screenwriters, Scott Frank and Jon Cohen, DreamWorks was able to release the sprout version of Dicks short story in 2002. Further more than, this futuristic age film was directed by the famous director, Stephen Spielberg. The main focus of the short story and film surrounds the lead character John Anderton and his efforts to understand the minority report. In comparing the portrayal of John Andertons physical characteristics and the conspiracy skirt him in the short story and film, one can clearly state that the character of John Anderton has been well adapted onto the big screen, even far mor e developed, than in the short story.The plot of the short story takes place in the future, in which three gifted individuals known as precogs or precognitives can look on the future and prevent an act of murder from taking place. The precogs prediction allows a specially trained group of agents from the Precrime unit, a policing organization, to apprehend the future criminal, effectively taenia the criminal act (Landrith). In the short story the founder and the commissioner of the Precrime unit, John Anderton, experiences the other end of the spectrum as a criminal when he is suddenly criminate of a future murder. He is allegedly going to kill an individual by the name of Leopold Kaplan, the General of the Army of the Federated Westbloc Alliance, an aboli... ...of John Anderton is well envisioned in Dicks short story and in the 2002 movie version, the character seems to be far more developed in the movie than in the short story. Through his physical characteristics and the conspiracy that surrounds the character, the movie was able to bring forth a character that is appealing to the audience and engaging to watch on the big screens. In this writers opinion, Spielberg, Frank and Cohen made the right choice to portray John Anderton in such a heroic manner.Works CitedDick, Philip. The Minority Report and Other Classic Stories by Philip K. Dick. New York, NY Citadel Press Book, 1987 71-102.Landrith, James. The Minority Report In Print and On Screen. American Military University HM 214, Science Fiction and Fantasy. 12 April 2004. 24 Oct. 2004. .

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hackers :: essays research papers fc

Hacking "Slang word for a figurer enthusiast. One who breaks into the figurer system of a company or government." 1Most plugs break into computers not to wreak havoc, but simply to explore and share information with ane another. A small minority, however, do wish to create mischief. These individuals are the ones who have the public fearing hackers. They are genuinely responsible for the Media calling hackers criminals. These individuals and gangs purposely break into computers for ad hominem financial gain, or to turn your six thousand dollar state of the art computer into a six thousand dollar paperweight. A hacker via RoadRunner can easily glide into an unprotected PC.2 There they can potentially get credit card numbers and other valuable goodies. sooner of thinking criminal or vandal when hearing the word hacker, we want the public to think of knowledge seekers and curious wanderers. 3 Destruction and unethical ignorance has plagued the underground too long, lets bri ng back the one-time(a) school ways of creation and system penetrating for the knowledge that it is holding, not for the destruction of that knowledge nor the possessors of it. 3 -www.hackers.comA stereotype that is casually applied to a hacker, is that they are geeks, doofs and nerds. They have few or no friends and spend the majority of their time in front of their computers. In actuality a hacker could be a CEO of a multinational, or the person sitting next to you on the subway. Obviously there are some things all hackers have in common. wholly are able to do advanced calculations in math, are well versed in computer languages, and have a good grasp of their primal language. They must have a state of the art computer that they know inside and out. They also have access to, or knowledge of secret codes and computer languages.Hackers have many tools in their toolbox for breaking into computers. An example of this is a Password Sniffer. This is a program, which is secretly hidden on a network. The sniffer is programmed to record, in a secret file, logos and passwords. In the span of a week, these tiny, planted programs can record hundreds of user names and code words and their associated passwords. This information is then displace back to the hacker. Last year an advisory from Carnegie Mellon Universitys Computer Emergency Response Team warned that, because of a rash of sniffing attacks, tens of thousands of passwords had been stolen and were presumed to be compromised.

Concepts Of Lifetime Fitness :: essays research papers

Concepts of Lifetime FitnessHomeostasis is the state of equilibrium in which the internal environment of thehuman automobile trunk remains relatively constant. Two excellent examples of homeostasisare how the body maintains a constant temperature and blood pressure duringstrenuous physical activity or transaction. Although on that point are many otheractivities in the body that display homeostasis, I will only discuss these two. Temperature in the human body is usually kept at approximately 37 degreesCelsius. To maintain such a strict temperature, the body has a few functions tocombat the outside elements. People cannot make themselves arctic as readily asmake themselves hot, however I will mention both homeostasis functions. Whenthe external temperature decreases, a portion of the brain called thehypothalamus detects the drop by means of the blood. To compensate, the brainsends chemical and electrical impulses to the muscles. These impulses tell themuscles to begin to contract and relax at very high intervals. This is commonlyknown as shivering. The business of Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP in themitochondria of the muscles produces heat. If the body temperature does notrise immediately after this, then a second function begins. The brain will type the blood vessels near the skin to constrict or narrow in diameter. Thisoccurs so the heat mystic in the muscles is conserved. Since the vessels are nowsmaller in diameter, less blood is needed to fill them. Since less blood isneeded through the vessels, the heart begins to slow. If the body remains inthis slowed state, hypothermia could result. Hypothermia is the condition inwhich metabolous processes are inhibited. The medical world has taken advantageof this by inducing hypothermia in patients that are undergoing organtransplants.To fight temperatures higher than normal, as in exercise or on hot days, thebody reacts in the opposite way than with cold. Again, the hypothalamus detectsthe change of temperatu re in the blood. The brain signals blood vessels not toconstrict, but to dilate. This increases the diameter of the vessels, andresults in the need for more blood. Since more blood is needed to fill thevessels, the heart pumps faster and that causes respiration to increase. Theincreased respiration will make the body exhale some of the internal heat, likeplacing a fan in a window to cool a room. The blood vessels are dilated so theheat deep in the muscles is easily released. Another commonly known mechanismto fight heat is sweating. Sweat glands found throughout the body arestimulated by the hypothalamus to excrete sweat and when the sweat evaporates,

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Essay -- Medical Technology Medicine Essays

Magnetic resonance ImagingMagnetic resonance tomography has the potential of totally replacing computed tomography. If history was rewritten, and CT invented after MRI, no be would bother to pursue CT. --Philip Drew (Mattson and Simon, 1996)WHAT IT ISMagnetic Resonance Imaging, or commonly cognize as MRI, is a technique employ in medicine for producing images of tissues inside(a) the body. It is an important diagnostic tool because it enables physicians to identify abnormal tissue without opening the body through surgery. MRI lets physicians see through bones and organs. MRI does not expose the patient to radiation, unlike tests that use X-rays. MRI provides an unparallel view inside the human body. It is the method of choice for the diagnosis of genuine diseases, disorders, and injuries. MRI is safe for most people, but it uses a powerful magnet and so cannot be used on people with metal implants, such as pacemakers or artificial joints (World Book, 2000).WHAT IT IS LIKE INSID EThree main components make up an MRI whole a magnet, devices for transmitting and receiving radio waves, and a computer. The patient is placed inside a machine that has a huge magnet. There is a horizontal tube-shaped structure running through the magnet from front to back. This tube is known as the bore of the magnet. The patient, lying on his or her back, slides into the bore on a redundant table. Once the body part to be scanned is in the exact center or isocenter of the magnetic field, the scan can begin ( The magnetic field causes the nuclei of certain atoms inside the body to line up. The machine then sends out a radio signal, which causes the nuclei to change direction. The change create signals that a computer translates to produce ... ...ams be also very expensive. ( most patients, the numerous benefits of MRI far outweigh the drawbacks. MRI can provide you with an abundant amount of information about your health.MRI is a tool to diagnose, visualize, amd evaluate parts of our body. MRI can help prevent the spread of diseases by catching them in their early stages, and so still treatable. Staying sound is probably the most important thing that we can do. Medical technology, such as MRI, can help us do that. Sources Lauterbur, Paul C., and Liang, Zhi-Pei, Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, IEEE Press, New York, 2000, p. 2-4.Mattson, James, and Simon, Merrill,The Story of MRI, Bar-Ilan University Press, New York, 1996, p. 1.World Book Encyclopedia, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, World Book Inc., Chicago, Vol 13, 2000, p.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Essay -- Medical Technology Medicine Essays

Magnetic Resonance ImagingMagnetic resonance imaging has the emf of totally replacing computed tomography. If history was rewritten, and CT invented after MRI, nobody would bother to pursue CT. --Philip Drew (Mattson and Simon, 1996)WHAT IT ISMagnetic Resonance Imaging, or commonly known as MRI, is a technique used in medicine for producing images of tissues intimate the body. It is an important diagnostic cock because it enables physicians to identify abnormal tissue without opening the body by surgery. MRI lets physicians see through bones and organs. MRI does not expose the patient to radiation, unlike tests that use X-rays. MRI provides an unparallel view inside the gay body. It is the method of choice for the diagnosis of certain diseases, disorders, and injuries. MRI is safe for most people, but it uses a powerful magnet and so cannot be used on people with metal implants, such as pacemakers or artificial joints (World Book, 2000).WHAT IT IS LIKE INSIDEThree main component s make up an MRI unit a magnet, devices for transmitting and receiving radio waves, and a computer. The patient is placed inside a machine that has a huge magnet. There is a horizontal tube course through the magnet from front to back. This tube is known as the bore of the magnet. The patient, lying on his or her back, slides into the bore on a special table. erst the body part to be scanned is in the exact center or isocenter of the magnetic field, the scan can begin ( The magnetic field causes the nuclei of certain atoms inside the body to line up. The machine then sends out a radio signal, which causes the nuclei to change direction. The change create signals that a computer translates to produce ... ...ams are to a fault very expensive. ( most patients, the numerous benefits of MRI far outweigh the drawbacks. MRI can provide you with an abundant amount of information about your health.MRI is a tool to diagnose, visualize, amd ev aluate parts of our body. MRI can help prevent the spread of diseases by catching them in their early stages, and so still treatable. Staying healthy is in all likelihood the most important thing that we can do. Medical technology, such as MRI, can help us do that. Sources Lauterbur, Paul C., and Liang, Zhi-Pei, Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, IEEE Press, modern York, 2000, p. 2-4.Mattson, James, and Simon, Merrill,The Story of MRI, Bar-Ilan University Press, New York, 1996, p. 1.World Book Encyclopedia, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, World Book Inc., Chicago, Vol 13, 2000, p.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Economic Topics Essay

Discuss how the political science can use discretionary fiscal policy and self-winding stabilisers to stabilise fluctuations in real gross domestic product. What tools does the brass have at its discretion to stabilise the economy? Suppose the political relation decides to decrease income taxes. Show in a diagram and explain how this policy will lead to an increase in real GDP. Explain how potential output may be affected.Any government program that tends to reduce fluctuations in GDP automatically is called an automatic stabilizer. The reduction in economic activity automatically reduced tax payments, reducing the carry on of the downturn on disposable personal income. Furthermore, the reduction in incomes increased transfer payment spending, boosting disposable personal income further. Fiscal policy is the use of government expenditures and taxes to influence the level of economic activity it is the government counterpart to monetary policy. Fiscal policy is the best counter-st abilisation tool available to any government. Discretionary government spending and tax policies can be used to break of serve union demand. Expansionary fiscal policy king consist of an increase in government purchases or transfer payments, a reduction in taxes, or a combination of these tools to shift the aggregate demand curve to the right. A contractionary fiscal policy might involve a reduction in government purchases or transfer payments, an increase in taxes, or a mix of all three to shift the aggregate demand curve to the left. Income taxes affect the wasting disease component of aggregate demand. A reduction in income taxes increases disposable personal income, increases consumption (but by less(prenominal) than the change in disposable personal income), and increases aggregate demand. That shifts the aggregate demand curve rightward by an amount equal to the initial change in consumption that the change in income taxes produces times the multiplier. Suppose, for exampl e, that income taxes are reduced by $200 billion. Only some of the increase in disposable personal income will be used for consumption and the rest will be saved. Suppose the initial increase in consumption is $180 billion. Then the shift in the aggregate demand curve will be a multiple of $180 billion if the multiplier is 2, aggregate demand will shift to the right by $360 billion. Thus, the equilibrium level of real GDP rises to $12,260 billion, and the price level rises to P2.$12,000 $ 12,260 $12,360The economy shown here is initially in equilibrium at a real GDP of $12,000 billion and a price level of P1. A reduce of $200 billion in the level of Income Taxes (T) shifts the aggregate demand curve to the right by $360 billion to AD2. The equilibrium level of real GDP rises to $12,260 billion, while the price level rises to P2.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Freedom Writers Diary Movie Questions Essay

1. Evas view of herself and her race is that their nationality is competing with other races because of the discrimination. When Eva is a child, she is taught by her father that she has to fight for her people. An Aztec princess is chosen for her blood, to fight for her people, as Papi and his father fought, against those who say we are less than they are, who say we are non equal in beauty and in blessings.2. According to Eva her father is arrested for retaliation, he was ingenuous but was jailed anyway, because of the respect he had from his people. Eva was waiting for the bus on her first mean solar day of school when she witnessed the war between races for the first time. They took my father for retaliation. He was innocent, but they took him, because he was respected by my people. They chitchated my people a gang because we fight for our America.3. The reason that Erin Gruwell decided to teach instead of be a lawyer is because of the influence from her father, macrocosm pa rt of the civil rights movement and watching the L.A. riots on TV. Thinking of going to law school but thought that the pillowcase is already lost if it reaches the courtroom which indicates that Ms. G believes that going to the beginning where she can educate her students on the fundamentals and essentially prevent them from ending up with a lost court case because a good prevention method has no need for a cure. And I remember when I was watching the LA riots on TV, I was thinking of going to law school at the time. And I thought, God, by the time youre defending a kid in a courtroom the battles already lost. I think the real fighting should happen here in the sectionroom.4. In the beginning, obstacles that Ms. G face are that the students didnt believe in her, thinking that she wouldnt be able to last in the classroom or teach because of the difficult sundry(a) battles between students. I give this bitch a week. Erin had to deal with two students fighting on the first day of teaching, and witnessing other between different tribes inwardly the school. Along with the discouragement from her father. Youre gonna waste your talents on people who dont give a damn well-nigh(predicate)(predicate) education. It breaks my heart.5. With gang vehemence and racial tension reaching an all-time high, the racial situation in Long Beach was separated into tribes based on the races of each somebody because of the L.A. riots. full civil unrest is happening throughout the Los Angeles area. The city resembles a war z genius.6. At first, the students of room 203 relate to one some other because of the similar situations and issues that each capture experienced. Another way the students can relate to one other are the difficult moments of their individual lives they have to face because theyre all trying to apportion with the cards they have been dealt in behavior. Also with discriminating against other races. Most of the students in room 203 are of different race to the teachers of Woodrow Wilson high school and purport separate from the community. You cant go against your own people, your own blood. 7. A character that I like is Jamal because he seems like he is a grotesque person and entertaining to be around, making jokes out of negative situations. I can relate to him because I am a student myself. Having to complete unneeded tasks when there are more important activities that I can be doing.8. Ms. G tried to engage the students by finding something she thought they would be concerned in and using it to relate to them with 2pac rapper lyrics with poetry as an example of an internal rhyme. The students are bothered by this, Think we dont inhabit 2Pac? -White girl gonna teach us about rap. She mixed up the separate boarders in the classroom to engage the students with differentiation without separate races but fails because of the wish of interest and students stop attending.9. Reasons that the students do not respect Ms G are because of the racial situation at Long Beach, they think that she is just another white person analogous the rest of the teachers that have never really put any effort into real teaching or caring about their education and dont try understand their situations. The students are used to never being a priority in the education system, constantly being looked down on as not being smart enough or trusted with the schools proper resources and recognized as people who dont want to learn and basically never having the opportunity to becomeanything other than the stereotypes they have been categorised into. So Ms G. wasnt seen as an individual, she was seen as another teacher that didnt care. Lady, stop acting like youre trying to understand our situation. They think she doesnt deserve the respect given from them because she hasnt earned it. Im not just gonna give you my respect because youre called a teacher.10. Eva hates white people because of negative experiences she has had with white police. I realise what you can do. I saw white cops shoot my friend in the back for reaching into his pocket, his pocket I saw white cops come into my fellowship and take my father away for no REASON except they feel like it Except because they can And they can, because theyre white. She feels that white people look at respect without earning it. You dont hunch forward what we got to do. You got no respect for how we living. White people always wanting their respect like they deserve it for foreswear. Eva thinks that all white people feel that they have authority over her ethnicity, that whites run the world no matter what resulting in Eva hating all white people on sight.11. Erins husband is a very considerate and devoted husband but shows resentment towards her career after assimilating extra jobs to choke off her teaching career without consulting him. He doesnt appear to want to talk about her job and when he does, he doesnt show any patronize toward it. While not paying attenti on to Scott, his attitude toward Erins career is that he feels that she is stringting too involved as a result, letting their union suffer. Scott, I finally found what Im supposed to be doing and I love it. When Im helping these kids make sense of their lives, all(prenominal)thing about my life makes sense to me. How often does a person get that? Then what do you need me for? Youre my husband, why cant you stand by me and be a part of that the way wives support husbands? Because I cant be your wife. And their marriage results in divorce because his life with Erin wasnt how he wanted it to be.12. Ms G. again attempts to peak an interest with the students by using topics that relate to them with non-curriculum books about lives similar totheir own that she has bought herself for the students.13. When Ms G. finds he picture of Jamal she confronts them, deprecatory their gang actions. You think you know all about gangs? Youre amateurs. Ms G informs the students about discrimination, bringing up the holocaust and how using racist pictures and antics is a way of wrongfully blaming others for their lives being hard to give themselves pride and identity.14. The holocaust is relative to the students because theyre all associated or associate with gang violence and annihilation of people for the satisfaction of being the prime race.15. The philosophy of the students is that they believe that the world is all about what colour someone is, not who they are. The students make illegitimate judgements about people of different ethnicity to themselves. To the students, graduation isnt perceived as a concern when more important factors have to be dealt with. To them, making it through another day is an achievement alone, Lady, Im lucky if I make it to 18. We in a war. Were graduating every day we live, because we aint horror-stricken to die protecting our own. At least when you die for your own, you die with respect, you die a warrior.16. Within society, the students see themselves just as others perceive them. That being not as real graduates, as people who are going to be like their parents, as people who wont really ever criterion to much. No one has ever really taken them seriously which has resulted in the students not taking themselves seriously. Nobody cares what I do. Why should I bother glide path to school?17. The activity that get togetherd the students was learning about the holocaust, reading the books, hearing the stories of the victims and the excursion to the holocaust exhibition really spoke to students on a personalized level that they could all connect and relate too. The main reason all the students are uniting for once is because of Ms Gruwell. Students know she goes above and beyond for them and that she actually cares. My crazy incline teacher fromlast year is the only person that made me think of hope. Talking with friends about last years English and our trips, I began to feel better. I receive my schedule and the fir st teacher is Mrs. Gruwell in Room 203. I walk into the room and feel as though all the problems in life are not so important anymore. I am home. Ms. Gs teaching is the activity that first started to unite the students.18. The scene with Sindy and Eva shows that Ms. Gs class has united the students and created a bond between the two making them look beyond their own races. Ms. Gs students are starting to do right within society and not just right for their own race. For example, I am my fathers daughter, and when they call me to testify, I will protect my own no matter what. instead of Eva doing that which is what her family wanted her to do, she told the truth so an innocent man didnt end up in jail. Eva thought about her actions and the consequences they would have on everyone and she did the right thing. This scene goes to prove that Ms Gruwells teaching initiative is working.19. Marcus diary entry laid low(p) me most because its so unfair that human beings are judged by other h uman beings by their skin colour when it shouldnt be considered as a negative factor because underneath it all were all the same. When Clive, accidentally shot himself and he stayed by his side until the police came the assumption shouldnt have automatically been that Marcus did it because he was black, it was so unfair especially when Marcus lost his best friend that day. Marcus story moved me the most because he is still probing for his freedom after being wrongfully locked up. If Marcus had never been diabolical for Clives death and had never gone behind bars, his life couldve been different. Every day I worry, when will I be free?20. At the beginning of Freedom Writers Ms. G was full of doubts and was questioning whether she was going to be able to connect with her students, get them to listen to her, to attend every class and whether she would be a good teacher or not, but throughout the characterization she earned respect, grew and was taught so much from her students and b y the end of the movie she had change a classroom full of racial boarders and hate into a non-judgemental, safe place where the students found hope, connected with one another and felt at home. She had found what she was supposed to do with her life.21. In the beginning, the students of room 203 were resistant to Erin, especially Eva who hated all white people and blamed them for taking her dad away when she was 5. They were disrespectful, extremely racist and mean toward one another to the point where Ben was scared to be in the classroom. None of the teachers cared about the students or their education. They were seen as lost causes which only made them feel like lost causes, especially Jamal who thought school was a waste of time. With the guidance of Ms.G every student in the class made a transformation for the better. Eva overcame her prejudice against white people and discovered they arent all the same a flock of the racial barriers were broken down within the class. All the students attitude toward their education and each other changed, they developed respect and started caring and wanting to learn. Room 203 was transformed into an accepting, tolerant, secure, place like a home where all students, especially Ben, stopped being terrified.22. All it takes is feeling as though you have one person in your life that genuinely cares about you, supports and encourages you and takes the time to help you and is behind you every step of the way to have the power to achieve anything and everything in life regardless how many people are against you. Every raindrop raises the sea so hope must never be lost. The most significant lesson to learn from this movie is that no matter what your background may be or how different you might think you are from someone, youre not because at the end of the day were all human beings and we should never forget that.23. The students of room 203 arent similar to the students of our classroom because I dont think that anyone in my class has to face the sought of problems that the students of room 203 had to. Those kinds of difficulties come from gang violence, drug or alcohol abuse or physical injustice, I dont know everyones story but I dont think that our classroom has to dealwith those struggles.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Comparison of My Last Duchess and the Laboratory

Poems The science laboratory, the content of the play, from my point of view is about a woman whose partner has left her for other woman. The poet has planned to kill the other woman as she is jealous of her and wants revenge from her ex. We can tell she is jealous of this other woman as she says shes not little, no minion like me this shows she is jealous of the woman as she thinks she is of higher status, the words shes not little shows this. She thinks the other woman is better than she is.We also whap she wants to get revenge from her ex as she says he is sure to remember her dying face here we know she wants revenge as she wants her ex to put one across the love of his life die as well as suffer, by doing this she will punish both of them. My last duchess, the poem is set during the 19th century. The speaker unit who is the Duke of Ferrara is giving the tour of his prospective second wife a tour of the artworks in his home. He draws a curtain to reveal a painting of a wom an, explaining that it is a portrait of his late wife he invites his guest to sit and look at the painting.As they look at the portrait of the Duchess, the Duke describes her happy, cheerful and flirtatious nature, which had displease him. He says, She had a heart or how shall I say? Too soon made glad He goes on to say that his complaint of her was that not merely her husbands presence was that made her happy. Eventually, I gave commands then all smiles stopped together. He now keeps her painting hidden behind a curtain that only he is allowed to draw back, meaning that now she only smiles for him The two Robert Browning poems I have chosen are The Laboratory and My last Duchess.My initial reaction on reading the laboratory was one of horror and fascination as it tells a tale of a woman scorned. I found it horrifying that a kind-hearted being could plan in such a cold and calculating way, but I also found this fascinating. My feelings on reading My utmost Duchess was compassio nateness for the Duke who was narrating the poem as it was clear that his jealousy and insecurity had ruined their relationship. Both poems have contemporary relevance, as people today are still intrigued by murder, mystery and tales of unrequited love.It is very obvious that the poems were written in the 19th century though, as some of the language is no longer in aim of goods and services in todays society for example durst, dared, forsooth and indeed. There are other indications that the poetry was written in the 19th century by the references made to the use of a fan and also the way the poison was prepared using pestle and mortar. Grind away moistens and mash up thy paste, Pound at thy powder-I am not in haste. The theme of The Laboratory is one of the eternal love triangles.Where the theme in my last duchess would seem to be about an obsessive soon enough insecure lover. The similarity would be the extreme jealousy that is displayed by both narratives. The difference is t hat the narrator in My Last Duchess is so jealous and insecure that he gave commands The character of the narrator in The Laboratory displays an long suit of emotion through her obvious jealousy of the other woman this intensity of jealousy could only be achieved if she also had experienced the same level of love.Similarly, the character of the narrator in My Last Duchess which is a man also displays obvious jealousy although it is without such an intensity of emotion. Both poems are dramatic monologues, the tone of The Laboratory is one of anger and the mood is evil, it creates a tense atmosphere which leads the reader to rush from one poetise to the next to see how the story within the poem develops. In comparison, My Last Duchess is written in a less direct way and seems less travel the narratives jealousy is not immediately apparent but becomes more obvious as the poem progresses.In conclusion, after having studied both poems, it is the style and content of the laboratory whic h has made the most impact on me. The directness of the narrative regarding her intent and the subject matter I found as I said ahead both horrific yet fascinating. The image of a 19th century alchemist was easily consumed up and I almost felt like I was there. My Last Duchess, although interesting did not have the same impact on me this is mainly due to the style of the poem which is a more meandering tale and has a less direct approach.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Disney Motivational Strategy Essay

Walt Disney is quoted as saying of each the things Ive d adept, the most vital is coordinating the talents of those who work for us and pointing them toward a certain goal (Disney Dreamer, 2008, 41). It git be said that this management philosophy has contri aloneed to eight decades of business success that has helped the company to become the business conglomerate Walt Disney is today. Co-founded by Walter Elias Disney, the Walt Disney federation today has pronged come out to various delight studios, theme parks, products and other media products. How did one mans dream form and manage an enterprise that has established itself as a household name through-out the world?The Walt Disney Company was established in a small office in Los Angeles calcium in the summer of 1923.Walt Disney moved to California from Kansas City Missouri with hopes of marketing his creative talent in the moving picture industry. Walt had made a short film called Alice in Wonderland that he hoped to use a s a pilot film to break into the industry. Partnered with his brother Roy they formed Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio and changed the name to Walt Disney Studio per Roys suggestion. Walts first break into the entertainment business came when a distri notwithstandingor by the name of M.J. Winkler contracted with the studio on October 16, 1923 to release a series to the public called Alice Comedies. This marked the egg beginnings of the Walt Disney Company (Corporate Disney, 2008).The company started to take off as Walt Disney hired animators to produce Oswald cartoons through his distributor, Mr. Winkler. As money grew tight Walt needed Winkler to provide him with the finances to keep producing his series. It was at this time that Walt found out the distributor was going behind his back to create his own studio using Walt Disneys animators. Since Winkler owned the distributor rights to the Oswald cartoons in that respect was nothing that Walt could do. It was at this point that Walt Disney vowed that he would own everything that he made (Corporate Disney, 2008). This was the event that led to the creation of the Mickey Mouse cartoons in1928 and the popularity of the Disney name.The company grew gradually notwithstanding the financial difficulties the brothers experienced everywhere the years. The Disney brothers did not let this hamper their causes and soon established themselves as an independent productioncompany in Hollywood. In the 1930s Walt Disney was raiseed $300 to allow a marketer to imprint Mickey Mouse on paper tablets for children. Walt agreed as he truly needed the money. This began the production of Disney consumer products and has led them to be one of the most recognizable media brands in the world today.The war years (1939 to 1945) were financially difficult for the company but Disney did not fall in up. The studio made educational films for the United States government as come up as made animated comedies. After the war the company bran ched out by concentrating their efforts towards films using volume versus cartoon characters. In the 1950s Disney tapped into the television audience with a weekly show that featured past and present Disney film characters. In 1955 Disney was inspired by his children to expand his business ventures by opening up the theme park Disneyland in Anaheim, California. This business venture was and still is one of Disneys biggest successes.In the 1970s Disney had a dream to continue to offer family entertainment by developing plans to open up an entertainment and educational interlacing in Florida. This project became known as Walt Disney World. Unfortunately, Disney did not get to realize the accomplishment of this dream as it was completed after his death. Roy died two months after Walt Disney World opened in October of 1971. Despite the deaths of the two Disney brothers the company is still thriving today not further in the United States but through-out the world. The company contin ues to expand their business offerings through media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, and consumer products.The Walt Disney Company has seen much financial success as it operates as world-wide entertainment company. Headquartered in Burbank California, Disney employs over 130,000 people. Revenue is generated through the operation of the companys four parts. These operating segments atomic number 18 Media Networks (television, radio, and the internet) Studio entertainment ( acknowledge-action and animated motion pictures, musical recordings and video programming) Consumer products (products and licenses to conjure and sellthe Disney characters and other intellectual property) and Parks and Resorts ticket sales, room nights at the hotels, and rentals at the resort properties).Financially, the company has earning st mightiness according to the year-end fillings with the Security re-sentencing Commission (SEC). Positive net income has been reported for the last fiv e years. The Media Networks division appears to be their biggest generator of income for Disney which brings in about 41% of their revenue while the Consumer Products segment produces about 7% of their revenue. Disneys Parks and Resorts also take a crap been successful revenue generators for the company.In 2007 alone operating income increase 11% from the prior year. correspond to Robert Iger, president and chief executive officer of Walt Disney Company, the positive financial results atomic number 18 a direct result of strong brands, combined with high-quality creative content and our tycoon to promote and distribute the content across multiple businesses and platforms this gives Disney the unique ability to continue delivering growth and value to our shareholders (, 2007, 2). It can be said that Walt Disneys ability to foster the spirit of creativity, innovation and excellence still continues to underlie the companys success they enjoy today.Disney corporations pride is in maintaining the magic of Disney. Their slogan is the happiest countersink on earth. Guests from all over the world come and enjoy the magical experience of the imagination of Walt Disney. All of this imagination has created characters and a world of fantasy that is share in a full day at theme parks. The mission statement that the company has created is to make people happy, all of this through the entertainment determine of no cynicism, nurturing, and promulgation of whole most American values and the creativity of dreams and imagination. The organization structure of Disney involves the board of directors any decision related to the organization is brainstormed through the directors forward the decision is approved by the CEO Bob Iger.Keeping in consideration that Disney Corporation has subsidiaries under them such as Disney Studios, the theme parks in California, Florida, Japan, Paris and Hong Kong Disney also has Disney consumer products and media networks. All these Disney entities havedifferent business proposals that require attentive decision making. This is all carefully done with the board of directors. At Disney, the bottom(a) line is imagination, our culture is magic and wonder, and required previous work experience childhood dreams. Such insightful rhetoric entices employees to put forth their best effort to live up to the self-imposed hype.Disneys approach to employee motivation and satisfaction is based on Frederick Herzbergs theory that motivation comes from within the individual, rather than from a policy imposed by the company. Disney provides each of its 130,000 employees world-wide with the opportunity for recognition for achievement, increased responsibility because of performance, opportunity to grow in knowledge, chance for advancement, and improved maintenance items such as wages, off-hour programs and self-development opportunities. Disney is very aware that the only way of meeting customers expectations is by delivering t he magic through the staff.The culture of quality perfected at Disneys theme parks could not prevail without employee buy-in. To gain employee acceptance, the concept of show business is promoted as an organizational culture. The employee is not hired for a course, but take in for a role in the show. Hired employees are called cast members, wear costumes not uniforms, and they play before an audience of leaf nodes, not a concourse of customers. When they are in a guest environment they are onstage when they are in an employee environment, he or she is backstage. Prior to any interview, Disney prescreens applicant by showing prospective employees a video prior to filling out an application. This provides an opportunity to opt out of the hiring process if they do not agree with Disneys expectations regarding appearance, guidelines, or even having their own transportation.After being selected for a role, cast members spend their first day at Disney University where are taught, amon gst Disney traditional values, that their roles are big than their jobs. The cast is charged with creating magic moments for its guests. Additionally, cast members are empowered to make the right decision and provide the right behavior for each guest he or she comes into contact with. Empowerment of the Disney cast begins with a servicetheme of creating happiness for people. Disney then provides extensive training, ongoing communication, and dependable support systems to help the cast make the right decisions in each guest encounter. Cast members uphold the standards of courtesy, efficiency, safety and show, along with aligning personal values, traits and behavior with those of the organization.Disney has 10 management principles in place that have contributed to the success of the company. These principles are (1) Make Everyones Dreams Come True, (2) You Better Believe It, (3) Never a Customer, Always a Guest, (4) All for wholeness and One for All, (5) Share the Spotlight, (6) Da re to Dare, (7) Practice, Practice, Practice, (8) Make Your Elephant Fly, (9) Capture the Magic with Storyboards, and (10) Give Details Top Billing (Capodagli and Jackson, 1999). Although all these are an integral part of the company, the first, fourth, and seventh principles are significant for employee motivation.Make Everyones Dream Come True, outlines the importance of allowing members of the organization to dream and develop his or her creative talents (Capodagli and Jackson, 1999). Disney encourages creativity in all its employees. This encourages participation and is credited with a decreased turnover rate as compared to the industrys competitors (Capodagli and Jackson, 1999.The fourth principle, All for One and One for All, highlights the importance of teamwork and sanction of the employees. Teamwork is described as a method of fostering intense loyalty, enthusiasm and commitment. Because the focus at the Disney Company is to make sure that each guest has a memorable and p leasant experience, it doesnt matter whose job is to pick up a piece of trash. It becomes everyones responsibility (Capodagli and Jackson, 1999).The seventh principle, Practice, Practice, Practice outlines the importance of formal and continuous training (Capodagli and Jackson, 1999). Initially, Disneys initial training programs covered only the very basic essentials to keep operations going. During those early years, the training consisted of afirst-day orientation, with some on-the-job training and a few recreational programs for employees. As Disney began to grow, more emphasis on training and the total employee environment was needed. Disney Universitys challenge is to offer employees the finest working environment possible. To meet this challenge Disney training programs had to be executed in an effort to show interest and concern for the growth of the employees and the Disney organization.The name Disney University extends well beyond training and education implications (Cook, 1974). More than training is included at the university. The university feels a responsibility to the whole person the university helps employees achieve their goals as the organization achieves its goals. A very important responsibility of the Disney University is the preservation of Walt Disneys motivational philosophies and traditions. The university staff is concerned not only with an employees education and development, but also with his or her motivation, morale, communication and physical working atmosphere. The university also provides social and recreational activities for the employee.The Disney web site states The Company has a tradition of innovation and creativity that is the result of hiring and make diverse employees with a wide range of talents (Walt Disney Company, 2008). The Walt Disney Company wants to empower its cast to do this they start with committed leaders at the top who are involuntary to set examples. Disney applies the concept of cross servicing durin g peak hours. During these periods, supervisors and managers set aside their normal duties and help the cast in all other areas of the operation, including food service, janitorial service, ticketing and guest assistance at all attractions. The cross-servicing concept allows cast members to see management in action and provides an extraordinary opportunity to model good behaviors and appropriate job/people skills.Every year, The Walt Disney Company holds service awards dinners at its theme parks around the world. All the company vice presidents are in attendance, and Disney employees receive plaques, jewelry and other merchandisedepending on their years of service. When we hear of an employee doing something special, we bring it to the attention of Michael Eisner and he personally sends them a letter of thanks (Alonzo, 1994). Every Christmas, the Walt Disney Company opens Disneyland for employees and families only with executives running the park.Disney provides a broad spectrum of recreational, social, cultural and special activities for employees and their families. These activities include sport programs of all types, theater workshops, community services, special employee-only visits to the Magic Kingdom, film festivals and previews, various decease and entertainment programs, and comfortable break and eating areas for employees. Employees are also provided with housing assistance, doctor and dentist referrals, and a variety of merchants who offer discounts to Disney employees (Cook, 1974).Employees (or Cast Members as they are commonly referred to) are afforded a wide range of benefits such as health, dental and life insurance packages. Cast members are also given costless theme park passports allowing them to access any of the Disney parks at no charge as well as Cast Member discounts on products and merchandise. Disney associates are also reimbursed for education, receive stock options and are eligible for service awards. Those with children who live near Anaheim or Orlando can take advantage of the childcare centers while they go to work. The many benefits inspire employees and form a good basis for employee retention.Disney incorporates distinctive values in it workplace. Innovation, quality, community, storytelling, optimism and decency are the foreground to its success. These core values resonate in very product Disney produces ensuring the consumer receives the highest quality entertainment product available. In 2006 Disney ranked number one on the BusinessWeeks best places to launch a course (Disney 2006, Business Week). Disneys strong on-campus recruiting, solid benefits and collaborative culture helped put the entertainment giant at the head of the Business Week ranking, which identifies top employers for parvenue college graduates.At Disney, life is fun. People who come to enjoy Disney products are having fun and therefore, those providing these products and services should also be having fun and be in good spirits. It helps motivate the guests to have fun. When the guests have fun they come back when they come back the company generates revenue. Walt Disney was able to transform his imagination into a living organism that attracts people from all over the world. This business has left a legacy for many generations and is still an attraction that our upcoming generations are looking forward to exhaust and live for their children. Walt Disney was a true genius. He was able to turn fantasies and stories into a booming business that appears will be never ending.Walt Disney recognized that whatever we accomplish is delinquent to the combined effort. The organization must be with you or you dont get it done. In my organization there is respect for every individual, and we all have a keen respect for the public (Disney Dreamer, 2008, 54) Walt Disneys management philosophy holds true today. Disney is a model for success. The companys proven methods for employee motivation desert little if any for i mprovement.The finely evolved practice of putting associates before profits has yielded abundance in popularity and name recognition for the organization all over the world. For the foreseeable future, it does appear that Walt Disney Company will continue to expand its business and remain profitable. This can be contributed to the ability of management to foster the spirit of employee creativity, innovation, and excellence that continues to underlie all the companys success.ReferencesAlonzo, V. (1994). The more the merrier. Incentive, 168(6), 47. Retrieved February 22, 2008, from MasterFILE Premier database.Capodagli, B. and Jackson, L. (1999). The Disney Way Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company. McGraw-Hill.Cook, M. (1974). What Can I Do For You?. Training and Development Journal, 28(9), 30. Retrieved February 22, 2008, from Academic assay Premier database.Corporate Disney. (2008, February). Disney Company History. Retrieved February 16, 2008 from http//corp Dreamer. (2008, February). Walt Disney quotes. Retrieved February 23, 2008 fromhttp// Institute. (2008). Retrieved February 22, 2007 fromhttp//www.disneyinstitute.comHerzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. (2007). Motivation to Work. Bloomsbury Business Library Management Library, Retrieved February 23, 2008, from Business Source Complete database.The Walt Disney Company. (2008). Retrieved February 22, 2008 fromhttp//

Thursday, May 23, 2019


The application of heat is designd for sterilization the duration of time and appropriate temperature should be considered to guarantee demolition of whole microorganisms. Wherein, disinfection is used to apply chemicals to objects like chlorination of water so that pathogens willing be killed. The implementation of aseptic techniques using air filtration in susceptible areas, use of ultraviolet light in an area where microorganisms usually thrive like operating rooms.The use of disinfectants which has a phenol component can reduce infections on wounds. Sterilization is the method of killing all microorganisms using aseptic technique while disinfection is the mathematical process of using disinfectants. Antiseptics are solutions that kill microorganisms on the living tissue wherein disinfectants have a higher capacity of killing harmful bacteria. Most disinfectants cannot totally eliminate microorganisms, especially bacterial endospores wherein virus and bacteria are more resi stant.The ingredients like quaternary ammonium salts, this is a component of Lysol which is used as a toilet bowl cleaner and disinfectant spray, these chemical can ruin cell membranes and can also disrupt the membrane of some viruses. The compound named phenol which can be derived from ordinary plant which is also a commonplace ingredient of disinfectants that can disrupt cell membrane to control enzyme function. Disinfectants are typically applied on non living objects in order to destroy microorganisms and this process are called disinfection.The difference between disinfectants and antibiotics should be distinguished when disinfectants are improperly used it can harm even the person using it that is why base disinfectants should be properly used and kept away from children. Bitrex is a component of some disinfectants which is a special bitter substance that can discourage pulmonary tuberculosis of food for human or animals and it should be used with extra care. In addition, the use of other cleaning products mixed with the indoor disinfectant should be avoided indeed chemical reaction can occur that may cause more harm.Conclusion The odor of the disinfectant like Lysol even if it has fragrance does not mean that it is well(p) to smell it is quite irritating to the nose due of its chemical component and I have learned that there should always be safety rules to honour before applying disinfectant in the house, its effect is tolerable for man the continuous use of it may soon give the human dust a forceful affect that could damage cells that would lead to metabolic abnormality and impair the physiologic activity of the body that ends up to occurrence of diseases once the immune system shuts down.The gain of various infectants to our skin especially to the food we ingest should be avoided again this is due to the fact that this chemical solutions serve its purpose but once the body inhaled or ingest too much of it and in instances that it already ac cumulated in the body but is not excreted by our organs thoroughly it will stay wrong our body. Its damage will be observed once it develops antagonistic effect to our immune system and to the normal flora of microorganism inside our body.In short, disinfectants should only be used shop atly in places where too much types of microorganism exist like hospitals. In our household, proper hygiene like frequent washing of hands before and after eating, on handling of foods, especially after coming from the rest room because the stool is the carrier of almost all microorganisms that can infect man. The proper use of disinfectants should be observed carefully by reading the label before use because even if they control the issue of microorganisms it does not mean that it will not give harm to us humans.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Waste Management individual coursework

Brief overviewThe modern day industrial societies ar concerned with environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources. A lot of photocopy is generated by businesses, househ experienceds and the construction industry globally on daily basis. Engineering has a portion in designing ways of effectively managing waste through various means like green technology and exploiting waste to produce selection sources of energy (Worrell & Vesilind, 2012, p. 71). The management of waste through proper disposal or cycle is important in protecting the environment. Engineering has a great role in ensuring sustainable use of natural resources and environmental protection. windup(prenominal) engineers are actively engaged with how the society uses natural resources. It discovers, designs, of importtains, improves and repairs machineries like cars, airplanes and industrial equipment which human beings consider on for their daily lives (Wang & Koh 2010, p. 49). In the future, mac hinelike applied science will deliver solutions that will sustain and protect the existence of man on the planet. There are two major ways in which engineering can help in mitigating the problem of waste management which are preventing waste in engineering and management of waste. The next section will look at the two methods, their advantages, disadvantages and cases where they have been used successfully. Waste prevention (Designing out waste in mechanical engineering) greenness manufacturing is an emerging concept in engineering that aims to achieve sustainable development in the manufacturing industry. Dornfeld (2010, p. 56) defines green manufacturing as the creation of manufactured products that use processes that carry on energy and natural resources, are non-polluting and are economically safe and sound for users. There is an increasing need for mechanical engineers and engineering in general to present new ways of creating products that minimise waste of resources. Rynn (2010, p. 87) asserts that for mechanical engineering to be able to design products that are friendly to the environment, issues of sustainability should be part of all the finding making processes in engineering. This covers all the steps from product design to its end life and after that the needed efforts in regaining its value rather than disposal. The main objective for green manufacturing is to produce products that can be remanufactured, recycled or reused. As such green manufacturing process reduces the environmental impact of a manufacturing process than it was in the past. Green manufacturing systems include measures to reduce the volume of hazardous waste produced, change the energy mix to include the use of more renewable resources and cut shore the volume of coolant consumed in the manufacturing process. The other measure that reduces waste of resources is heel over manufacturing which has been successfully used by Toyota in its manufacturing plants. The draw manufa cturing system as used by Toyota managed to reduce seven types of wastes in the companys manufacturing process. Toyota reduced overproduction, inventory, transportation, motion, over processing, defects and waiting times (International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing & Li 2010, p. 77). Most of these wastes are related to the desire to minimise the environmental impacts of the manufacturing process. For instance, a reduction in the waiting times saved company resources like illuminate and air conditioning. Many machines used in the production process consume a lot of energy even when not processing any products. As such the idle time used for allowing the smooth flow of products wastes a lot of energy. The lean manufacturing processes, initiatives, strategies and techniques are advantageous in terms of reducing working(a) costs and also aim at boosting, restoring and significantly improving organisational competitiveness. melt manufacturing reduces the manufacturing time by eliminating the wastes in the manufacturing process. A reduction in manufacturing time leads to a subsequent reduction in operational costs in the form of labour, energy and other utilities. In so doing, it helps organisations in retaining, maintaining and significantly increasing their revenues, widening their margins and generation of savings from lowering costs. Lean manufacturing helps companies in saving space which raises the levels of efficiency and savings. According to Davim (2013, p.64), lean manufacturing has a potential of increasing the productivity of a company by approximately 75% to 125%. This is be showcase the elimination of wastes and any other unnecessary practices at the workplace assists the employees to work without distractions and in so doing tap output. The elimination and reduction of waste in the production process helps the companies in increasing earnings and profits by reducing wasteful use of resources. In addition to this, the elimination of unnecessary tasks and job positions helps companies in reducing labour expenses and in return increase their earnings (Skrabec 2013, p. 33). Despite the aforementioned benefits that come with lean manufacturing, there are various barriers that prevent organisations from fully implementing it in their manufacturing processes. The swell cost requirements of emission control and waste management are extremely steep with long payback period (Worrell & Vesilind, 2012, p. 88). This makes it very difficult for most companies as this translates into higher product prices which would drive away potential customers. In other instances the capital input exceeds the direct economic gains thus frustrating the successful implementation of green manufacturing. The other barrier is that the manufacturing industry relies on certain technologies and processes that may cause undesirable effects but cannot be ignored like the volatile organic compound used in automotive manufacturing. Waste management (use of recycling and reuse)Waste management entails reducing the amount of waste that the manufacturing industry disposes on the environment (Ku?hnle 2010, p. 96). In reusing and recycling of waste products, the manufacturing industry reuses old or waste products to produce new products. Waste management reduces environmental pollution, energy usage, air pollution, water pollution and consumption of fresh raw materials by reducing the combine on conventional waste disposal (Hesselbach & Herrmann 2011, p. 54). The manufacturing firms should therefore aim at reducing waste at each and every phase of the production process. The set-back step is to identify the areas where waste is high in the manufacturing process and then find out what needs to be recycled using cost benefit analysis. Nikon has successfully managed to do this and is recycling its wastes to produce new products. recycle of old products is important because it helps in environmental conservation. Re using of resources relaxes the strain placed on natural resources which are progressively getting depleted. The other advantage of recycling old products is that it reduces energy consumption (Shina 2008, p. 65). The manufacturing process uses large amounts of energy in processing the raw materials into finished products. Recycling helps the manufacturing companies in minimising energy consumption which is important for massive production like refining and mining. In addition to this, it also makes the production process effective in terms of cost which raises the margins for the manufacturers (Association for Manufacturing Excellence 2008, p. 162). Although product recycling is very beneficial to the manufacturers, there are some barriers that hamper the successful implementation of recycling old products in the manufacturing process. The first barrier is that the recycling process is not always cost effective because at times companies are forced to open up new factories thus rai sing their operational costs (Wang et al 2011, p. 22). A new factory by itself may even cause more pollution in terms of transportation, cleaning and storage. Other than operational challenges, the other major limitation of recycling is that the recycled products are not always as durable as the original products. Products made from trashed waste are cheap and less durable and may not generate sustainable revenue for organisations like other products. disclose lessons learnt and how these can be used to improve the futureBoth lean manufacturing and waste reuse are important in reducing wastes that emanate from the manufacturing processes. Lean manufacturing should be used in eliminating wastages in the production process in order to ensure that organisations minimise operational costs. However, the findings reveal that both methods should be utilise in the manufacturing process in order to improve the waste management in mechanical engineering.Key conclusions and recommendationsWas te management should be included in all the stages of the manufacturing process in order to ensure sustainability in engineering. Owing to the fact that the quality of recycled products is often lower than the other original products, it is recommendable to embrace lean manufacturing in order to ensure that wastages are eliminated in the production process.ReferencesAssociation for Manufacturing Excellence (U.S.) (2008). Green manufacturing Case studies in lean and sustainability. New York Productivity Press.Davim, J. P. (2013). Green manufacturing processes and systems. Heidelberg custom.Dornfeld, D. (2010). Green Manufacturing Fundamentals and Applications. Berlin Springer US.Hesselbach, J., & Herrmann, C. (2011). Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing Proceedings of the 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Technische Universita?t Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, May 2nd 4th, 2011. Berlin, Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg.Inter national Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing, & Li, S. (2010). Mechanical engineering and green manufacturing Selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing (MEGM) 2010, November 19-22, 2010, in Xiangtan, China. Stafa-Zurich TTP, Trans Tech Publications.Ku?hnle, H. (2010). Distributed manufacturing Paradigm, concepts, solutions and examples. London Springer.Rynn, J. (2010). Manufacturing green prosperity The power to rebuild the American middle class. Santa Barbara, Calif Praeger.Shina, S. G. (2008). Green electronics design and manufacturing Implementing leadless and RoHS-compliant global products. New York McGraw-Hill.Skrabec, Q. R. (2013). The green vision of Henry Ford and George Washington Carver Two collaborators in the cause of clean industry. New York Productivity Press.Wang, L., & Koh, S. C. L. (2010). enterprisingness networks and logistics for agile manufacturing. London Springe r.Wang, L., Ng, A. H. C., Deb, K., & SpringerLink (2011). Multi-objective evolutionary optimisation for product design and manufacturing. London Springer.Worrell, W. A., & Vesilind, P. A. (2012). Solid waste engineering. Australia Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Community and Culture Play a Role in Determining the Risk for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Essay

Substance ab physical exercise and addiction atomic number 18 major problems in society today. Every segment of society, regardless of race, gender, or age is affected. Some of the substances that are used grow natur aloney, whereas others are manufactured illicitly or even legitimately in laboratories. They whitethorn be smoked, inhaled, ingested, or injected and used for social, religious, or self-medicating purposes. The substances that are abused include caffeine, nicotine, intoxi baset, steroids, stimulants, depressants, heroin, cocaine and the list goes on. Substance abuse ranks high among serious health problems.Since 1979 illicit drug use and alcohol consumption has declined, but the widespread use of and dependence on these substances continues. Nicotine, now classified by the Food and Drug Administration as an habit-forming substance, is linked to more deaths annually than AIDS, cancer, and other substances combined. intoxicant is also a major social problem today. Use and abuse of alcohol are a factor in contributing to injuries and death. The cost of substance abuse is increasing in our society. Lives are lost, and loss of work productivity costs millions of dollars each year. inebriant is a factor in 40% of all motor vehicle accidents, and alcohol and other drugs are often implicated in boating or athletic accidents. Costs include not only lives lost but also medical assistance, long-term services to the disabled, and increased insurance rates. Health care cost for clients that use alcohol, drugs, and nicotine are estimated to be greater than $160 billion annually. It has been confirmed that there is link between violence and alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol and drugs are a factor in vandalism on college campuses, date rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence.Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, young adults are more likely to engage in unsafe sexual practices, and parents are more likely to abuse their children. Certain factors place some individuals at greater adventure than others for the development of abuse and dependence. Biological, mental, or environmental conditions may predispose a person to the development of a drug or alcohol problem. Risk factors may include some of the following heavy use of alcohol and other drugs or the presence of abuse or dependency by family members, presence of psychological conflicts, which a person may attempt to resolve through drug use.Other factors that predict that there may be a risk for alcohol and drug abuse include some of the following Failure in school Rebelliousness and alienation Need for immediate gratification Lack of empathy snitch lying Insensitivity to punishment The family which is the most powerful building block of socialization transmits cultural beliefs, myths, and values about(predicate) alcohol and drug use. Also peers, and media personalities deliver messages about drug use, drug-using lifestyles, and the use of wines and spirits are subject of cultural traditions of families.Some groups beat used wine strictly for celebratory purposes, others for religious rituals, and some for sustenance. umpteen cultural groups do not consider alcohol a drug. The result is that among many groups a double standard exists for alcohol and other drugs. Illicit drugs are considered dangerous and unhealthy, but alcohol is accepted and not considered threatening to the individual family, or society. However alcohol and drugs can be threatening to the individual, family, and our society. Substance abuse is known to affect ones behavior and personality.Abusers are known to be manipulative and often are in denial. One of the greatest consequences of alcohol abuse is the physiological damage that can be done. Alcohol is absorbed directly from the stomach and exerts system depression and physiological effects throughout the body almost immediately. In low doses, alcohol produces relaxation, loss of inhibition, loss of concentration, drowsiness, slurred speech, and sleep apnea. When alcohol or any drug of abuse is terminated abruptly by a person who is physiologically dependent they may begin to experience withdrawals.Onset of symptoms of withdrawals begins within 6-12 hours following the cessation or reduction of the drug or alcohol. detachment must be treated, if not withdrawal may progress to withdrawal delirium untreated delirium may result in death. Treatment can be approached on several different bases. Inpatient hospitalization is usually a 2 to 4 week hospitalization in a unit of a general hospital, residential treatment center or psychiatric hospital therapy provides corrective emotional experiences. This atmosphere provides safety, restricts access to the drug, and monitors self-destructive behavior.Detoxification Is a superintend medical regimen to withdraw the client from drugs that have induced psychological and physiological dependence. Rehabilitation is usually at a long-term hospital that addresses all ph ases of treatment. In many areas halfway houses serve as a rehabilitation facility that provides a sheltered and emotionally and financially supportive environment with peers. focussing is a useful and rough-and-ready means it can be administered on an individual basis or in family counseling. Support groups would be another effective means to support a person with substance-related disorders and their families.There are many groups modeled on the Twelve-Step approach of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Other groups include Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Al-Anon (ANA), swelled Children of Alcoholics (ACOA), Sex and love addicts Anonymous (SLAA) and Ala-Teen (ALAT). These are a few of the self-help groups that can be contacted in our communities to help those who are abusing or have friends or family members who are abusers. Most of these groups are free of charge and are conducted by people who have abused and are now recovering.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Environmental Scan

There are two things that could affect an environmental s stinker they are ingrained and foreign environments. Benefits can arise from doing an environmental scan on a trade, which in turn can only add to the value of the business. Two companies leave alone be covered their internal and external environments will be described using an environmental scan. What agonistical advantages apiece party has and what strategies(s) each guild is using. How each company creates value and sustains competitive advantage through business scheme? What measurement guidelines each company is using to verify its strategic effectiveness?Also how effective are the measurement guidelines that each company is using? These two companies are Coca Cola and Wal-Mart. A environmental scanning (2011), agree to railway line Dictionary, Careful monitoring of an organizations internal and external environments for detecting early signs of opportunities and threats that may settle for its current and f uture plans. In comparison, surveillance is confined to a specific objective or a narrow sector. The whole process can be seen as information seeking and managerial culture for the business. The internal environment for Coca Cola is inside the businesss control.There are several(prenominal) key attributes in this environment that include competence in production method, through management skills and boffo communication. How can Coca Cola monitor the internal environments? They have to do an evaluation of the operations and sell any action on the factors that cause inefficiencies on any stage of production and the consumer process. On the external side of it Coca Cola has to know that with the external environment it could affect the entire business, and the economy. Ups and downs in the economy, principles and attitudes from speed of lights consumers and demographic patterns greatly control the success of coke.What is competitive advantage? Competitive advantage (2011), accordi ng to Business Dictionary, A superiority gained by an organization when it can provide the same value as its competitors but at a lower price, or can charge higher prices by providing great value through differentiation. Competitive advantage results from matching core competencies to the opportunities. Coke has a tough selling sense and a brand name that you are sure to know. Wal-Mart has been able to maintain a competitive advantage allowing them to use many strategies. Their low prices is a very good strategy, it seems to be the best strategy they have had to date.Wal-Mart as well as treats their employees well, their aisles are well organized and clutter free. The technology that Wal-Mart uses helps them to stay ahead of the game, also there is the up to date inventory technology. Branding accounts for the highest contribution of Coca Colas value, its percentage is 80. Coca Cola has a strong global foundation In conclusion, by conducting routine checks on the business envi ronment and keeping track of what is going on in the business will make a great impact on the business. A key element to a successful business is doing an environmental scan, understanding the risk and managing them appropriately.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Children Today Essay

at that place argon many f goors which lead to the way electric s downrren act today. The way a small fry is raise, is a reflection of the lack of respect which an adolescent embraces for their elders. Over time, generations of military personnel beings have become more reliant on technology. This has made mankind lazy and uncultured, causing a reflection on our pincerren. Also, there have been many laws which were set against structure in a childs life. Whether the child is at home, school, or with a c atomic number 18 giver such as a babysitter, there are limits to how a child send word be sphered. However, when a child has a lack of authoritative enkindles, it often times produces the young ones disrespect for others. The powerful mental picture by Banksy entitled, Girl Patting Down Army Soldier, demonstrates role reversal between child and adult. The image distinctly illustrates a young girl in a pink pride and pig-tails, patting down a strong, fell soldier. Soldiers represent power and authority, and this little girl is taking all over that roll.This, to an extent, is the way our generation of children are enough. They desire they are equals with adults in this world. They do this by bossing their parents round, and disrespecting them day after day. The way our world uses technology is barely part of the reason why our children are so ignorant today. In the past, parents would send their children outside to attempt their pride and joy out of their hair and to have some fresh air. Presently, they set their child in front of a idiot box to watch a show or play a tv stake. Due to the fact that most parents do not monitor every show or game their child takes part of, many children begin learning how to act by observing what is on the television screen in front of them.The television show entitled, Toddlers and Tiaras, is a prime example of these types of shows. Here, children of various ages dress as though they are twenty years old, yet a ct the total opposite. Kids which are two and three yeas old talk back to their parents and constantly role their eyes at the people they love. There are also multiple children hitting their competition and parents when they do not get what they want. When any child watches this type of show, they often times will begin to mirror the shun behavior. In fact, according to Illinois secern Medical Societysexperiment entitled, Monkey See Monkey Do, In a intimacy of seconds, most children croup mimic a movie or TV character, sing an advertising resound or give other examples of what they have learned from watching media. These examples may include naming a popular brand of beer, striking a sexy pose, acting impolitely, or play fighting.Children only have to put a movie into the DVD player, flip through the channels, open a magazine, click on a web site, pop a video game into an X-Box or watch television to accept all kinds of messages. The impact of these messages can build slowly when children see and hear them over and over again. Our early days today does not understand what is real and what is not on the T.V. If kids do not have instruction from their parents, they will most likely begin transforming into impolite little people. Therefore, parents need to not place their child in front of the television, but rather spend more time with them.Many kids care givers are also radical to spend more time with their technology instead of their child. This is beginning to cause children to act up due to the fact they feel they are getting no attention. An member on The Washington Post entitled, Parents are ignoring their children for their Blackberry, stated, If youre taking parental attention past from the child, for what looks like it is not a good reason, kids might think, What am I doing wrong that my parents dont like me? and may scraping acting out to get their parents attention because they have a hard time distinguishing positive from negative attent ion.Although parents do not mean to push their child away and make them feel as though they are less important than their phone, they are. This is why our generation of kids are beginning to throw tantrums and are becoming more impolite.The laws which have been set against a childs penalisation have falsifyd tremendously over the past fifty years. This is a large factor of why our children have become so annihilating to the people around them. In the past, teachers had the right to inflict bodied punishments on children. This is a form of discipline which ended around 1989 in Oregon. According to American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, corporal punishment is a method which a, Supervising adult deliberately inflicts pain upon a child in solvent to a childs unacceptable behavior.The purpose for thistype of punishment was to try to prevent non-tolerated actions to reoccur. It was meant to change their long-term behaviors and to show the child what was and was not acce ptable. In current times, children can not be touched(p) in any physical matter from any one other than their parent or guardian. This is because it is instantly illegal to physically harm kids. This law has led some children to understand they can get away with excessive amounts of negative behaviors due to the fact there are less ramifications that follow their unfavorable actions. Because of these laws, kids can not be disciplined to any amount which the state would find excessive.Therefor, when these kids become disrespectful, there is no possible way for the children to be disciplined by any teacher or caregiver. The law of non corporal punishment has effected our children to a point because they cannot be punished for their actions, making them more disrespectful.There are many parents who hold a lack of authority. This is part of what is producing our youths disrespect for others. An authoritative parent is someone who expects a lot from their child. They also have strict r ules which they predict will be followed at all times. These parents are also a large part of child rearing. According to, The aim is ever to bring?out?the best in each child, and to prevent and overcome difficulties. In other words, parenting. When a childs parents lack this, their children in most cases, end up running the house. These children think they are their own parent. When this occurs, the adolescent ends up pushing their own parents around as well as the others around them.Many children today are becoming unexceptionably disrespectful to their elders and others around them. This is due to the way they are raised and brought up since birth. There are three main aspects which have created this issue which is occurring now. These include the number of parents relying on technology, the laws which protect children from any form of physical discipline, and the lack of authoritative parents which these children have. If the way our children are raised never changes, the issue of disrespect towards others is only going to worsen. Having respect for other is a large aspect of life. If children can not learn how to respect others, how are they supposed to respect themselves?

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Posting on Reading Essay

Education How education is valued and how it is tied up with culture and the structure of conjunction is the focus of the article. Moreover, several factors that encourage great deal to assist high education are also explored in the article. For instance, several examples active the South Korean culture were revealed in the article in order to strain how the face of education changes depending on the culture. For the South Koreans, education is seen as a status symbol and not a stepping-stone to acquire a job in the future. The good thing about it though is that statistics has shown that the pct of dropouts is less in areas that believe in the relationship between education and societal value. People from diametrical walks of life have varying points of view regarding education. A survey conducted in order to de destinationine the reasons why people choose to attend higher education reveals that reputation or culture and the enhancement of an individualistics disposition are the top just about reasons why people value their education. At this point, people view the culture and infrastanding of the English language as an instrumental skill in order to turn over an individuals aims to gain a high and respectable amicable status. Koreans nowadays are fight to learn the English language, as it gives one a high rank in the social climate. Koreans exit time and effort in studying English that they are willing to undergo rigorous exam just to speak English well. Perhaps, the article does not notwithstanding discuss education as image of culture. I think the issues in this article also have strong connections with globalization. As the world moves to require a global village, people are forced to increase their chances of belonging to the international community. This objective shall only be accomplished through further education. This is probably one of the reasons why education is seen as a form of earning a high rank in society because being well e ducated and learning to speak English well keeps you in a range of belongingness with the rest of the global community.The Costs of educational Zeal The article explores the effects of Koreas valuing of education to the costs of attending the educational institution. Apparently, with the Koreans growing value for education and the educational institutions goals to enhance the quality of education, the costs of higher educations have also reached a high. The reasons underlying the high cost of education in the country was explored under different regimes.The influence of colonialism to the educational system of the country contributed much to the high cost that they require of education. Moreover, legal age of educational institutions in the country require expensive rates for their services because most of them are in camera owned. At this point, I ask myself, why do they need to pay expensive taxes for education when most of the educational institutions are private? There was not any change during the Park Chung Hees term as president of the country. During this time, education was neglected, therefore there were no efforts coming from the governing to fix the riddle expensive costs of education. Reflecting on it, education in the country has really become a social status, such that only those who can afford it are able to gain the quality education that they deserve. Moreover, the government does not care less whether the people are able to afford education. This reveals how the voices of those people who cannot afford to attend educational institutions are not being heard. Another factor that influenced the high costs of education was what the people called Kwaoe. Kwaoe is the Korean term for tutoring. This service requires large amounts of money that people cannot help but complain about its cost. At this point of time, the government was able to address this issue and ban tutoring all over the country. end-to-end the years, noticeable efforts to alle viate the rising cost of education were evident when reviewing the performances of past governments.However, their efforts were not enough to fall the cost of paying for an individuals education. The failure of governments to remodel their educational system is understandable, because from the beginning, the faulty budgeting and pay for educational institutions was adapted by the country. What the country needs to work on is modifying the educational system in order to identify its flaws and once and for all end the high costs of education.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Jollibee’s Success in the Philippines Essay

Jollibee is the Mcdonalds of the Philippines. From a simple ice-cream parlor in 1975, it has explored the fancy of hot meals and sandwiches in 1978 and since then revolutionized the concept of turbulent diet in the Philippines. 1984 saw Jollibee hit the Top 500 Philippine Corporations. 1987 landed the fast food chain into the countrys Top 100 Corporations. It became a billion-peso corporation in 1989. Today, there atomic number 18 600 branches of Jollibee in the Philippines and about 50 abroad. Analysis of Jollibees Success in the Philippines The Philippines is a small, third-world country in south-east Asia.Like many asians, Philippine people eat their meals with rice and they prefer it home-cooked. However, due to the urbanization of the capital city in the late 70s and the modernization required for economic development, Filipinos had to uphold for less than the best the turo-turo style. Way before the term fastfood reached the vocabulary of the Filipinos, people in the Phi lippines had eaten turo-turo style. Turo-turo is where ready-to-eat and ready-to-go entrees arrayed in steam-heated trays, are always ready to be eye-balled by hungry and harried customers.If you wait more than 20 minutes to get your food, its not considered as a turo-turo restaurant. Jollibees claim to have revolutionized the concept of fast food in the Philippines is probably correct. The company claims that the secrets of its success are superior menu line-up, fanciful marketing programs, and efficient manufacturing and logistics facilities. It (success) is made possible by well-trained teams that work in a culture of uprightness and humility, fun and family-like. Success did not come easy as Jollibee is not exactly the first fastfood in the Philippines.Wendys from the USA came first and that is where Jollibee conceived the idea of sandwhiches and hotmeals served in less than twenty minutes to cater to the urbanize city of Manila. Competition has been tough for the first few years however Jollibee made the right conclusion to Philippinize its concept starting with market research. It was hypothesized that the Filipinos love not actually the home-cooked meals served by their wives but the smell and fragrancy of the meals served at home. Capitalizing on this theory, Jollibee launched the slogan, langhap-sarap which in English translates to smells delicious.Also, knowing the heart and soul of e truly Filipino is the family, Jollibee made itself cater not to individual professionals in the modern city but to the family as a whole. Jollibee became a red, giant bee mascot children adore. Jollibee easily became a household name in the market. The most remarkable good Jollibee offered is the chicken joy. When you step inside a single branch of Jollibee, you can actually smell the crispy, easy chicken being deep fried to juicy tenderness. In Jollibee, hamburger patty is being eaten with boom and served with rice and they call it the burger steak.Same as an y product, this one smells delicious. Another notable affaire about Jollibee is how spaghetti is flavored. The spaghetti of Jollibee is sweet as Filipinos put sugar in their spaghetti and not much tomatoes. This menu line-up convey to research on the wants of Filipinos, target customer and the use of mega-superstars as endorsers put Jollibee at the top of the fastfood fabrication in the Philippines. Jollibee in the USA The Jollibee branch located in San Francisco area is supposed to cater to the rambling home-sick Filipinos working in the city.This Jollibee branch looks like a normal Jollibee branch in the Philippines. The most notable difference is the price of the food. Jollibee in the USA is more expensive than McDonalds. They also accept credit tease which is a facility not found in any of the Jollibee branches in the Philippines. The commodities sold is also very different. Though they market it as the said(prenominal) smells delicious chicken joy from the Philippines, th e chicken hardly smells nor looks delicious. It doesnt have the same crispy juiciness as that of the local branches and it tastes mostly of salt.The burger steak is still served with rice though the hamburger patty is bigger and spaghetti is not as sweet as it should be, Filipino-style. The fusion of two states could be blamed for the high pricing as Jollibee might be adjusting to the cost of putting up a branch in San Francisco where raw materials are considerably more expensive. However, the objective of catering to home-sicked Filipinos is not met, in my opinion, as this Jollibee, though the same as in the home country in name, is not the same in every other aspect.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Why get your RN to BSN

The Need for Highly-Educated Nurses In the 21st coke, the health challenges facing the nation have shifted dramatically. The American population is sometime(a)Americans 65 and older will be nearly 20 percentage of the population by 2030as well as to a greater extent diverse with respect not only to race and ethnicity but also other ethnical and socioeconomic factors. In addition to shifts in the nations demographics, there also have been shifts in that nations health conduct needs.Most health care today relates to chronic conditions, much(prenominal) as diabetes, hypertension, rthritis, cardiovascular disease, and mental health conditions, cod in part to the nations aging population and compounded by increase obesity levels. While chronic conditions account for most of the care required today, the U. S. health care system was primarily built virtually treating keen illnesses and injuries, the predominant health challenges of the early 20th century. The ways in which nurses were educated during the 20th century are no longer adequate for dealing with the realities of health care in the 21st century.As longanimous needs and care environments have become more(prenominal) complex, nurses need to attain equisite competencies to deliver high- look care. These competencies include leadership, health policy, system improvement, research and evidence-based practice, and teamwork and collaboration, as well as competency in specific content areas such as federation and public health and geriatrics. Nurses also are being called upon to fill expanding roles and to master technological tools and information management systems while collaborating and coordinating care across teams of health professionals.To respond to these increasing demands, the 10M charge alls for nurses to achieve higher levels of education and suggests that they be educated in new ways that better pitch them to meet the needs of the population. An Improved Education System Much of nursi ng education revolves around acute care rather than community settings that include aspects of direct care, public health, and long-term care. The qualifications and level of education involve for entry into the nursing profession have been widely debated by nurses and nursing organizations..Although a BSN education is not a panacea for all that is expected of nurses in the future, it does, elative to other educational pathways, introduce students to a wider trope of competencies in such arenas as health policy and health care financing, community and public health, leadership, quality improvement, and systems thinking. Care within the hospital continues to grow more complex, with nurses having to make critical decisions associated with care for sicker, frailer patients and having to use more sophisticated, life-saving technology coupled with information management systems that require skills in analysis and synthesis.Care outside the hospital is ecoming more complex as well. Nur ses are being called on to coordinate care among a variety of clinicians and community agencies to help patients manage chronic illnesses, thereby preventing acute care episodes and disease progression and to use a variety of technological tools to improve the quality and effectiveness of care. A more educated nursing custody would be better equipped to meet the demands of an evolving health care system, and this need could be met by increasing the percentage of nurses with a BSN.An increase in the proportion of urses with a BSN also would create a manpower poised to achieve higher levels of education at the masters and doctoral levels, required for nurses to serve as primary care providers, nurse researchers, and nurse faculty positions currently in great demand across the profession and within the health care system. The committee recommends that the proportion of nurses with baccalaureate degrees be increased to 80 percent by 2020.While it anticipates that it will take a few ye ars to build the educational capacity needed to achieve this goal, the committee maintains that it is old, achievable, and necessary to move the nursing work force to an expanded set of competencies, especially in the domains of community and public health, leadership, systems improvement and change, research, and health policy.Improving the education system and achieving a more educated workforce specifically increasing the sum up of nurses with baccalaureate degreescan be accomplished through a number of different programs and educational models, including traditional RN-to-BSN programs traditional 4-year BSN programs at both universities and some community colleges.