Friday, July 19, 2019

English Language Coursework - A Christmas Carol :: English Literature

English Language Coursework - A Christmas Carol A Christmas Carol was written by Charles Dickens and published in 1843. This is based on the lives of poor people that in past was so hard to survive as they didn’t have enough money. They were treated as animals by the upper class people. They always did the hard work but never not get enough paid. They were unable to provide their families the certain expensive things like fresh food, clothes, and beautiful house with the best furniture. Christmas is acknowledged as a very particular day and instant of life for all Christians. It is very inspiring for Christians to honour the Christmas and of course the memorable day of Jesus Christ birth. Jesus was born to give and spread the message of love all around the world, however when he see people ruining his aspiration, he must be very unhappy and very depressing indeed. The tale is about a greedy and selfish man called Scrooge. He is totally not interested in celebrating Christmas due to having a unique thinking. During the story, he independently meets three ghost from past, present and future. They tell him the mistakes he has made and he is still making and also if he doesn’t listen to them, he will also have to go through them as well. The ghosts of Christmas past refresh his old memories and what he has lost in his life. Something which he also cannot get it back no matter what ever happens because as you all kwon that the mistakes you have already made is not to be ashamed of, however you should think of not repeating those mistakes again. The ghost of Christmas present is showing him the bad things he is doing now which could create more problems for him in the his future. Also he should try to change him self, bit by bit because a little drops of water makes rivers. Finally, the ghost of Christmas future, tells him that if he carry on being like a stupid scrooge he will soon die as a horrible death and no one will remember of his good memories. This book has a message for all Christmas to celebrate and share the happiness. No one should consider the fact they are rich so therefore the poor shouldn’t celebrate the Christmas as they do. A man with a power should give something to a poor person so they can have the best Christmas. Some people were nice and gave what they could to poor unlike Scrooge who was a greedy rich man. Scrooge is very sorrowful person.

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