Friday, August 23, 2019

Technology Used in the Business Environment Research Paper

Technology Used in the Business Environment - Research Paper Example The technology that will be available to business will increase in the coming years. Failure to take advantage of technology provides advantage to the competition. Types of Technology in a Business Environment Table of Contents Section Page Title Page Abstract 1 Table of Contents 2 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Mobile Computers 3 3.0 Scanners, Barcode and RFID Devices 4 4.0 IP Video Systems for Monitoring Operation and Security 5 5.0 Voice over Internet Protocol 6 6.0 Conclusion 7 References 8 List of Figure Figure Number Title Page 1 Mobile computer in action 4 2 Scanners as used for inventories 5 3 IP Video Systems 6 Types of Technology in a Business Environment 1.0. Introduction Technology is crucial for war, peace, business, and life. This is the reason why man has abandoned the technology of the bow and arrows to move on to the technology of the nuclear bomb. It is also the rationale why man has to improve his means of communication. Businesses prosper and become competitive only when the most advanced technology is used and life only becomes comfortable when the most advanced technology is tapped. Given the current economic environment of financial crisis where costs have to be tapered down and yet operational efficiency and power must be maintained, technology is a crucial part of the solution for business survival. It is therefore imperative to look into the types of technology that businesses can use to maintain competitiveness, efficiency, and survival if not profitability. In this work, I looked into four types of technology which I believe businesses will have to access if they want to be competitive in their industry. My impression is that the technologies that I will discuss will enable businesses to cut on labor and professional costs while making work and life easier for labor as they make the latter more productive. 2.0. Mobile Computers One type of technology which I consider has been significantly changing the way we conduct businesses are the mobil e computers. Of course, we have witnessed how the laptop enabled an element of the work force to be productive wherever he or she may be. The laptop enabled the businessman to bring anywhere not only his or her organization’s business data but also the means through which data can be analyzed: accounting, financial, planning, and management computer software. A fairly recent development that can be used by businesses is in the area of mobile computers. According to BearCom (2011a, p. 8), the mobile computers are â€Å"making processes more efficient.† BearCom cited several success stories that benefitted from mobile computing. In particular, BearCom cited the case of Huntsman Corporation where â€Å"with real ­-time wireless tracking of rounds activity, the number of pumps requiring daily inspections has been reduced by 50 percent---allowing more time for other crucial inspection areas† (2011, p. 8). Further, according to BearCom (2011, p. 8), with mobile comp uting â€Å"defect elimination work requests are now initiated in the field in real time.† In Figure 1 below, an application of mobile computing is shown where recording, computation of the bill and billing become part of a single step. Figure 1. Mobile computer in action Source: BearCom, 2011, p. 8 It is obvious from Figure 1 that with mobile computing, several processes of business operations can be reduced into a single step thereby reducing costs, promoting productivity, and enhancing efficiency. Obviously, there will savings. There are obviously

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