Saturday, September 7, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3

Human Resource Management - Essay Example All these features are interrelated. This paper deals with wages and communication as two chief aspects of corporate environment and labor management. Wages and communication also serve as tools for reducing organizational conflict. Thus, organizations need to maintain an effective communication with its employees through discussion and interpersonal relationship for HRM and managing conflicts. 2.0 Introduction Employee- employer relationship has become an integral part of organizational practices at present times. Employee relations are hugely used for business orientation. Within an organization, both the employer as well as the employee desire to maintain a good professional relationship. This has been the reason why numerous organizations are emphasizing on development of relationship- based policies and practices. Changes in corporate business functioning promotes fair and justified behavior on part of management as well as the employees (Gennard and Judge 2005, p. 2- 3). Workpl ace relationship could lead to both harmony and conflict, as because it is based on paid employment. Within the whole process, every employee is trained, motivated, appraised and rewarded. This leads to development of not only formal institutional behavior, but informal interpersonal relationships as well. Factors that commonly affect relationship of employer and employee are labor unions, company culture, communication, wages, level of competencies, organizational objectives, etc. (Dzimbiri 2008, p. 1- 5) Wage could be considered as one of the determinants responsible for maintaining good terms in employer- employee relationship. Communication is yet another that influences professional relationship. This paper attempts to examine the some of the key aspects that influence the professional relationship shared by the employees and the employer. This paper also explores development of such relationship and also workplace environment due to factors like communication and wages. 3.0 Th ere are numerous factors that influence workplace relationships. Some of them are- Economic factors: The relationship shared by the employees and their employer is more unilateral in nature. Business process works by â€Å"downsizing† of the employees and â€Å"rightsizing† on part of the employers. Labor reciprocity has performance, appraisals and results for its basis. From economic perspecyive, business operation smoothly functions on mutual delivery of performance, both on part of the employees as well as of their employers. Economic interests of employees are directed towards personal gains, while that of the organizations are directed towards competence and deliverance. (Singh and Singh n.d., p. 128) Institutional factors: Level of competition highly influences workplace relationships. Distribution of work responsibilities, flexible timings, outsourcing have further influenced it. Professional attitude is the chief driving force. As a matter of fact, present age of globalization prefers one- to- one communication once again, but this time in the form of e-HR. Communication is maintained through electronic medium, in a virtual mode. Certain psychological factors are also interrelated to it. In a performance – driven work culture, employees are constantly driven by fears regarding job security. Thus, in industrial relations, counseling and mentoring has

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