Friday, September 13, 2019

IP Networking Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

IP Networking - Lab Report Example Company X headquarters has a total of four directorates and 400 employees. The department includes the executive leadership, research and development, human resources, and sales. Region 1 has customer service and accounting department, Region 2 has marketing and advertising department, while region 3 has inventory, manufacturing, and engineering departments. To accommodate the network growth the company will have to use the VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask) which was previously ignored by a consultant. This is after the company realized that all the network addresses are statically generated. This led to a high administration overhead when the networks and locations are added to the network. The company therefore has opted to come up with a standard IP addressing table for the WAN links and their locations. It has also decided to sample the configuration of Cisco for each and every location. Additionally, it will deny the users in Region 2 from accessing the offices of region 3 seri al interface. At the end of the configuration the company will generate a network diagram capturing the whole system. Technical Details IP Addressing Table and WAN links for the Locations ASSIGNED IP NETWORKS IP Network Region Department IP Address VLAN Corporate X headquarter Executive Leadership 20 1 Sales 80 1 Human Resources 25 1 Research and Development 275 2 Region 1 Accounting 20 1 Customer Service 80 1 Region 2 Advertising 23 1 Marketing 47 1 Region 3 Manufacturing 25 1 Engineering 78 1 Inventory 22 1 WAN LINKS IP Network Region       WAN Required HQ to Region 1       2 HQ to Region 2       2 HQ to Region 3       2 Future expansion       2 Future expansion       2 Future expansion       2 Cisco configurations Here it is assumed that every network interfaces are operational and is ready for consultant’s configuration. The configuration entails the Ethernet configuration , VLAN configurations, the serial ports, routing protocols, and the summarization route from the headquarters’ office to region 1. The section describes how the three regional offices will be connected to the corporate’s headquarter. The corporate will use the following WAN options; synchronous leased line, frame relay, asynchronous dial-up line, and x.25. The WAN encapsulation will comprise of the point-to-point protocol, frame relay, X.25, and HDLC (High Level Data Link Control). The routed protocols will include IP and IPX. Other feature in the system are Dynamic IP routing, IPX routing and Dynamic IP, IPX routes and Static IP, sub-interfaces, and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Additionally, the configurations options include the Command line Interface and cisco 805 Fast Step. The table below shows the sample network configuring the three regions and the headquarters to ISP networks. Region No WAN options WAN Encapsulations Routed Protocol Other Features Confi guration Options Headquarters Synchronous Leased Line HDLC IP Dynamic IP routing CLI, Cisco Fast Step Software Region 1 Asynchronous dial up line PPP IP Static IP route Firewall IPCP/PPP CLI, Cisco Fast Step Software Region 2 Synchronous Leased Line PPP IP Static IP route CLI, Cisco Fast Step Software Region 3 Frame Relay Frame Relay IP Firewall, Static IP route, and NAT overload CLI, Cisco Fast Step Software Before configuring, the following steps will be done: the network administrators from the headquar

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